I'm probably an eight (though after my intestinal difficulties last night I may have gone down to a six.)
I'm usually either so cold I can't stand it or warm enough to wear t shirts and skirts. I'm dying to bring my anniversary outfit [link] because I have this romantic ideal of wandering down the street with the wind blowing, but then I'm also the girl with a constant soundtrack in my head, so....
Oh. Hey! Could you use some jeans? I have a few pair that are a little big for me. Good condition and good brands, and they're good fits. I hung onto them for a while, but I think I've kinda hit the upper end of my size now.
Where's post JT hair?
No digital camera. Woe. But it's much like the wedding hair.
DJ, I probably couldn't fit into your jeans - I'm a 12-14. But thank you. I actually probably have a top that will look smokin' on you, though.
Suzi, we just need to go thrifting in the Mission, then.
Whee! New clothes! New clothes! New clothes! (even if they aren't mine).
::does Cordy's new clothes dance::
Suzi - did you have to take Environmental Science? SCI 275?
But it's much like the wedding hair.
In which case it is fabulous. But then, I am generally of the opinion that your hair is fabulous, so that's unsurprising.
So Pacific NW types...a friend of mine's heading to Portland and Seattle for a month and wants to know what to see/do. I suggested Powell's and Pike Place Market, respectively, but I don't know good restaurants or what have you. Help?
Powells is fantastic, obviously. I can send you some fun restaurant recs for various mood themes as well. We have tons of amazing gardens here because the rain has to count for something besides setting off my allergies like whoa. An entire day can be spent in the Hawthorne District. And the Pearl District too. Multnomah Falls is breathtaking. Mt. Hood is pretty as is the Hood River, a wee drive but if they are here for a month... And if they are here for that long, I would highly rec a trip out to the coast which is a couple hour long drive.
Man, I love this area.
Not one. Not two. But three. THREE dried puddles of urine in the floor this morning when I woke up with Olivia at quarter to five in the a.m. We let the dogs out before we went to bed at midnight.
Having aging pets just sucks.
Things will be better after coffee, yes?
skimmity skimmity skip
So, now I want to see pictures of Jilli at The Ball - although I gather that the photos didn't do her justice. Stupid photos.
t mememememememe
Meanwhile, I was sufficiently excited about New Hair (well, okay, and the school secretary told me off because I need to take a gazillion photos of my kids before the Yearbook goes to press, plus I'm going to India in a couple of weeks) that I went out and bought a new camera. A whole new camera! That is mine! This is very exciting.
As is the tried and trusted habit of people who have a new camera, I ran around my flat taking photos of - well, largely of me, actually. With slightly smudgy I-have-been-teaching-all-day-and-it's-32-degrees-celsius-in-the-shade remnants of makeup, and a haphazard assortment of tops. But there are also some pictures of the flat, which I'm trying to upload now. Slooooowly.
Anyway - LOOK! New hair!