Is it true, this rumor I hear that it's Peev the Adorable's birthday?
It is true!
(When we went out to the car this morning, I looked at the ground and Saw Something, which meant I was able to give him the first four-leaf clover of the season on his birthday. I'm very pleased about that.)
Oodles of moving ~ma to the Miracleborns. I'm not *thrilled* with the notion of you folks moving even! farther! away!, but I want you to be happy.
So the prevailing wisdom appears to be: Dope yourself with some sort of CNS depressant, then crank up the stimulants so that the end result is: Awake, but not caring. Right?
'cause this sounds perfect.
Oh, and...
Happy Birthday Pete. May you finally be able to hit something with a car.
Well, a *virtual* car. Not a real car.
So the prevailing wisdom appears to be: Dope yourself with some sort of CNS depressant, then crank up the stimulants so that the end result is: Awake, but not caring. Right?
Just don't do what Homer Simpson did when he became a truck driver and scarfed down gobs of sleeping pills and Stimu-crank.
I read this as "I could smoke pot and work out."
Now *that* would be an awesome job.
Sounds like your job search is going pretty well, java! And Europe! Yay!
I was able to give him the first four-leaf clover of the season on his birthday. I'm very pleased about that.
Aw! That's so sweet.
Just don't do what Homer Simpson did when he became a truck driver and scarfed down gobs of sleeping pills and Stimu-crank.
Hm. Maybe I can get one of them trucker auto-pilot gizmos.
Moving ~ma to the Miracleborns.
Happy birthday to Pete!
Dope yourself with some sort of CNS depressant, then crank up the stimulants so that the end result is: Awake, but not caring. Right?
I can do this with my iPod.
Miracleman, drugs for you, snacks for them. Be reasonable about making pit stops when they want to. Earplugs earplugs earplugs.