Heh. Coming back from Tucson, I noticed the front glass on my RAZR was cracked. I thought I still had time to get the phone insurance on our plan, but no. The option to put that on our phones ran out a few days before.
So, mine at least still works (sorry, Kristin), but it now has a little strip of black gaff tape on the front.
Do I need to remind y'all that Ozymandias
my cell phone? Insurance does not cover that. I asked. I should have told them it was stolen.
Clearly I had to remind y'all twice.
Yeah. It's just money I don't have. As usual. I really need to start dealing drugs or something for some extra fun money. Oh yeah, I said it.
Hey, if you feel like franchising, I've got rent to pay.
Oh, mine covers all forms of stupid. Which? Is for the best with me.
Kristin, if it makes you feel better, you can't get insurance on Treos anyway.
You've got 30 days to return it...do you want me to see if my sister can get her sooper-seekrit hookup for Treos to come through again?
I actually don't have a Treo. I sold my Treo to Sonus a while back--I have had a Cingular 8125. Drew gave it to me as a (few months late) birthday present last year.
I really need to start dealing drugs or something for some extra fun money. Oh yeah, I said it.
I've done the market research to advise you to try to get AmyLiz and Tep as customers.
Now I just need to figure out how to get them big piles of money so they can keep buying from you and everything's dandy.
t /mba