Aimee, you have had a highly productive day. May your sleep tonight come swiftly and sweetly, nourishing your soul as well and healing your mind.
Thank you, Andi. I think I need it. I just had a total meltdown over my Algebra class and forgetting to put the beans in the chili. Methinks it's related to other things.
Totally bodes well for S and me, no?
Totally bodes well.
Cause the Empress knows from having a wonderful mate.
Yes. Yes I do.
Sean, shit has to stop happening over there. I'm sorry, hon.
libkitty, please stay safe. I'm all worried about you now.
{{{Aimee}}} just 'cause.
Stephanie, that's no good. I hope you hear from him soon. Or have already heard from him.
Cass, yay for still good tickets and uncle time. Also, you probably have a fairly goofy voice mail from me. I may have blabbed on for a while, though.
Hugs and kisses all around, 'cause I'm in a huggy and kissy mood.
Tonight I went to the NE Flower Show with mom, which is a tradition every year. We love it. This year was no exception. I bought a sign that says "My greatest fear is that there is no PMS and this is just my personality." It made me laugh and laugh and laugh, probably more than I should have. So, I figured it would be good to have around on the days that I'm needing to laugh and laugh.
Somehow, over the course of the evening, I ended up inviting mom (or she kind of invited herself, but then I started working out how we could make it actually happen) to the Bruins game/Wreckers concert tomorrow night. Um. She's going to hate the concert. I think she even knows this. So, either I'm going to be guilted for the rest of my life or she's the best mom ever. She just doesn't want me going by myself, which is really sweet. But, mom. Really. You're gonna hate it. It's SO not your thing.
And lastly, I just checked the people who want to communicate with me on eHarmony. One of the guy's grandfather evidently had a "strock" but recovered. How do these guys find me???
Because I'm not online dating anymore.
I really appreciate everyone's concerns. I'm at a friend's place, across the Channel from the avalanches. Actually, I'm watching them clean up from the huge one that blocks Thane Rd. (the road was closed for a set avalanche, so no danger there).
I think I may have overreacted a bit. But looking at a danger chart with the arrow bent so it could point past the highest level kind of freaked me out a bit. [link] They just said that people should be ready to go, but I wanted to get the cats out ahead, when I could actually catch them and had a ride, rather than later. Plus, no pets are allowed at the shelter.
I haven't decided whether to go back home tonight or not, now that that I don't have the cats to worry about. The latest update doesn't lower the danger level, but does say it's decreasing. But since I'm inside and it's crummy out, I'll probably just stay put and sleep on my friends' futon, to the chorus of their cats and my cats howling at each other through the door to the quarantine room.
If anyone wants to see some cool avalanche pictures that I don't think are on the web, email me. I'd be happy to email them to you. I don't want to post them, since they're not mine.
Sean, I'm sorry your kitty has to spend the night at the vet. It doesn't sound like much fun, but I think you did the right thing.
It's frightening how quickly we've become accustomed to EVERYONE having a cellphone, and how useless we become if it's broken or out of battery or accidentally left at home or whatever. Yeesh.
Funny you should say this...
I stopped by the Miracleborns' place on my way home today. As I got out of the car, I dropped my cell phone. In a puddle. It is very, very dead. I took it to Cingular, and the guys took pity on me and tried to use compressed air to dry out the phone and get it working again, but...yeah. NSM. They tried everything and finally declared it DOA. Since I don't have a landline anymore and use this number for personal and business, I pretty much had no choice but to buy a new one. So much for making a dent in my credit card this month. I'll be lucky to break even. Fuckity.
Eep! Be safe, libkitty! Be well, S&S's kitty! My sister in shiny, sj!
Cell phone insurance. I swear by it. Then again I have run over my cell phone, so I recognize that I am clumsier than most.
I've never heard of cell phone insurance. Of course, I am the last living person not to own a cellphone, so that is perhaps not surprising.
The shitty thing is that it was still under warranty, but not "no fault" warranty, like I'd thought. I thought I *had* cell phone insurance. Again, nsm.
Heh. Coming back from Tucson, I noticed the front glass on my RAZR was cracked. I thought I still had time to get the phone insurance on our plan, but no. The option to put that on our phones ran out a few days before.
So, mine at least still works (sorry, Kristin), but it now has a little strip of black gaff tape on the front.
Do I need to remind y'all that Ozymandias
my cell phone? Insurance does not cover that. I asked. I should have told them it was stolen.