Tom, that is a fabulous link. I recognized way too many characters from both series.
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Plei, many congrats on the Girl Wonder gig!
Ditto that. Nice work if you can get it!
Any talk about the Firefly comic LS set during the series with Joss co-writing?
Hee. Tom, I'd already edited my first content-filled post to include a link to that.
I adore Polite Dissent. I can't recall which one of you guys linked to it first, but I thank you.
I got it from a House watcher in Natter. May have been ita.
Because I have a scanner now...
Love and Rockets' Penny and Maggie as Batman and Robin
From Jaime's sketchbook.
Anyone want to talk about the Big Spider-Man Spoiler?
What is it? (I'm so out of the Marvel loop.)