I'll bet $10 that Spike appears on the cover of at least three of the issues.
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
I'll bet $10 that Spike appears on the cover of at least three of the issues.
That would be especially execrable, given he was with Angel for the next year.
One possible way to do it, is that Joss intends for the LS to be the season-opener for the season, setting up the situation and characters, along with the Big Bad.
Other LS written by other handselected writers will continue the season as in the normal manner of a TV season, allowing him to return to write the equivalent of sweeps episode/LS and/or season finale/LS
That would be awesome, Bil. I hope that's kind of how it plays out, because without Matt Wagner/Dave Sim volumes of text within the comic, six issues isn't really enough to introduce a Big Bad, let alone have various antics trying to kill it or avoid being killed by it, research things in libraries and magic shops, and eventually kill it.
I wouldn't hold out much hope for that scenario, though, as comics often overlook the value of a god build-up and just want to get to the meat.
That would be especially execrable, given he was with Angel for the next year.
Oh, I didn't interpret "after season 7" to mean "immediately after." Unless the comic is going to show Xander in Africa, and Buffy dating the Immortal in Italy, and Willow in... Peru? Wherever the hell she was.
I guess, why waste energy on continuity when you can just have a character say, "Gosh, can you believe it's been a whole year since Sunnydale was destroyed?" and move on.
I didn't interpret "after season 7" to mean "immediately after."
In my head the next season would start where they usually started their next seasons--the fall.
That would be especially execrable, given he was with Angel for the next year.
Oh, I didn't interpret "after season 7" to mean "immediately after." Unless the comic is going to show Xander in Africa, and Buffy dating the Immortal in Italy, and Willow in... Peru? Wherever the hell she was.
In my head the next season would start where they usually started their next seasons--the fall.
My, ahem, issue would be that any appearence by Spike would give us de facto knowledge that SOMEBODY survived NOT FADE AWAY. Bonus demerits if they give Spike any form of amnesia to avoid addressing the question.
Spike totally survived Not Fade Away. I'm not sure why I'm so convinced of that, though.
I could totally buy that, but I'd rather not know officially from the only official source. That's definitely one of those things that plays better in the imagination.