Life really sucks in the DC universe.
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
I have a big stack of about thirty comics waiting for me when I finally have money. IC is included. I'm not bothering to stay unspoiled; what's the point?
I forgot I had this picture uploaded (via scans_daily). Oh, Batman.
My comic book guy took me aside and asked me to please clear out my pull list because it was in danger of getting large. A: Before Christmas I bought about 80$ worth of comics and only left about five issues to pick up later; B: my pull list has been way larger than this before and it still fit in the box; and C: Honey, I just got back from Guatemala and I can't even pay my bills, let alone clear out my pull.
Not that I said any of that. I just said okay.
Hmmm, perhaps I should pick up Robin and Green Arrow. . .
Has everyone seen Spidey's new gear?
Has everyone seen Spidey's new gear?
Ptui! Let us speak of it no more!
Seriously, as a Spider-Man fangirl from way back (and by "way back," I mean 30 years, literally), I'm pissed at Marvel.
Has everyone seen Spidey's new gear?
WTF is that BS?
Glad the only Spidey title I'm reading right now is Ultimate.
Please, that will be his costume only for 6 months, a year tops. They do this every now and then to get people angry and start talking about the titles again. After a while they will go back to the old one, preferably just as Spidey 3 trailers start hitting.
They can't significantly fuck with Spiderman. Him and the main characters of JLA (WW might get more leeway) are pretty set in stone. Now, if he were an X Man...
Even among the X-men, they can't really screw around with Wolvie, Cyclops and Jean Grey too much.
Wolverine because, well, he's Wolvie, and Jean Grey because they've retold the story of the Fall of the Phoenix how many times? It's a proven money maker, and because the Phoenix storyline needs a love, Cyclops has to stick around.
I just meant costumes, not characters. They change without fanfare all the time.