I could freak you out and point you to the live action Justice League from 1979, but actually, it's a cartoon, it's on Cartoon Network (sometimes, the people who schedule CN are on crack). It's the same people who did the Batman and Superman animated series from the 1990s, and at least some of the episodes are quite good.
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Haven't seen 5x9 yet. 5x10 is up. And apparently 5x13 is going to be the series finale. This makes me sad.
Holy shit, Scola! That's some mind warping stuff.
Somebody needs to make icons out of those pix. I think Ple needs The Huntress and Black Canary, but I particularly like Green Lantern shooting himself in the face.
Favorite description: "Anyway, the heroes all converge on (sigh) Hidden Island Lake, where I see something I was fairly confident that I would never see on television: Mordru the sorcerer riding around on a jet-ski."
"Anyway, the heroes all converge on (sigh) Hidden Island Lake, where I see something I was fairly confident that I would never see on television: Mordru the sorcerer riding around on a jet-ski."
I actually watched that show the one time it was on. I don't remember what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn't that.
Boggled is one word for it. Wow.
So, 5x10. Turns out I was indirectly spoiled for part of it. I knew as soon as Chuck said that one JLAer wasn't going to return who it would be, since the current Legion book is apparently going to be renamed to include the character. Anyway, I liked it, although the romance was way too fast (even if it is canonical), and no Element Lad, drat it.
Okay, I have something shocking to admit: I....liked the most recent issue of Robin (#146). The dialogue was actually good in a lot of places, for one thing. This issue featured the rest of the Titans, and maybe Willingham's dialogue is better when he can spread it out among a lot of characters. I can't explain it, but the dialogue was generally good.
And the plot paid some small amount of attention to continuity, for another. And even made a stab at cross-title continuity, though, honestly, with all the Infinite Crisis-related stuff going on in all the titles, I'm having a hard time with what issue of what title is supposed to be occuring when. Given that Bludhaven has already been nuked -- and I probably don't have to whitefont that any more -- that gives me some sense of the timeline, but since Speedy is in this issue, what I can't figure out is when the events of the current Green Arrow arc are meant to be taking place -- I assume *after* this issue of Robin and all the Bludhaven splodey-ness, because if the Green Arrow arc took place *before* all of that, I can't figure out how Mia would be uninjured and ready to fight.
Oh, DC Comics. Your wacky wacky timeline is giving me fits.
Life really sucks in the DC universe.
I have a big stack of about thirty comics waiting for me when I finally have money. IC is included. I'm not bothering to stay unspoiled; what's the point?
I forgot I had this picture uploaded (via scans_daily). Oh, Batman.
My comic book guy took me aside and asked me to please clear out my pull list because it was in danger of getting large. A: Before Christmas I bought about 80$ worth of comics and only left about five issues to pick up later; B: my pull list has been way larger than this before and it still fit in the box; and C: Honey, I just got back from Guatemala and I can't even pay my bills, let alone clear out my pull.
Not that I said any of that. I just said okay.
Hmmm, perhaps I should pick up Robin and Green Arrow. . .