Sweet! Just scored a Teen Titans Go! Raven action figure. Finally.
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Right on!
This goes on the sugar-daddy list. I know where I can get it for $50 cheaper. I'm such a bargain.
I read this column on the stupidity of bare midriff costumes and wonder--why is "I don't think it's sexy" even relevant to something's stupidity? I wager tons of the target market do, and if sexy is an acceptable goal (she also mentions it's not, so her position on its sexiness is even less important) power to them.
She also argues it's not practical. To single out this aspect of superhero costuming as not practical -- well, why get started? Most heroes are dressed like idiots. That's not news.
She complains all the young heroines are doing it. I flip open Teen Titans, and the two bare torsoed chicks are Wonder Girl and Kole. Raven and Arrowette aren't flashing a rib between them (although Raven looks to have a hell of a wedgie--that might be a future column).
She complains it's as time-dated as the 'fro. Then why is Kole wearing it? She's been dead forever. Asking people to do costume design that will not date their material--to some degree, it's either impossible or counterproductive.
Of course--I'm biased. I'm not young, and I often enjoy the cropped top. Except on Supergirl and Paris Hilton. They must both be stopped.
It's an odd thing for someone to be so het up about, I think, and now I need to read her entire blog to gain perspective.
Brandi Chastain's a fan of the bared midriff, isn't she?
Brandi Chastain's a fan of the bared midriff, isn't she?
When I was coaching, I saw a lot of that look on hot days (during practice).
I notice that some skating outfits include bare (or simulated bare) midriffs. Given the seeming skimpiness they display -- and the fact that they stay on during some quite vigorous activity, which is as close to superhero antics as most real humans get outside of martial arts classes -- I don't have a conceptual problem with many of the superhero costumes.
But no capes, dahling, no capes!
One assumes anybody with the Super- prefix as part of their hero name doesn't have to worry about the hazards of cape-wearing.
Just wait 'til it gets snagged in that black hole.
I'm trying to find an image on the interweb of a Simpsons character (any character... maybe not Bart... Homer's OK) rendered as an old-timey etching. The best I've thought of is the Flaming Moe/Cheers opening parody, but I'd like something even more etching-like. Seems like there should be some merch done up that way. Any suggestions?