It leapt out of the screen and tried to bite me, I swear.
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Hmm. She's a class act.
That looks so wrong with your tagline.
Sleep dep makes you EXTRA eeeeeevil.
So I just went image-googling for a good pre-heart-growing-three-sizes (and pre-Jim-Carrey, natch) Grinch for LJ icon purposes, and the very first thing that looked worth clicking led me to JonB's art collection. Heh.
Ha! I really ought to update that. There are "new" additions (i.e. things I've picked up since the last update in 1999).
It does have a rather old-school feel to it, yeah.
My instantaneous loathing for the new Supergirl makes much more sense after seeing this. Though I'd assumed her revamp was based on some midlife crisis-having writer or artist growing overly fond of Brittney Spears.
Did we know that there was going to be Buffy cine-manga of The Gift?
I saw that at the comic store last weekend. They always have a rack of Buffy-stuff, and I'm always boggled by it.
And then I contemplate the Darla doll for a while, and think about how I should set up a dollhouse full of weird dioramas. Someday.