Heh, Tom guess what the topic of my first column?
It certainly is a version of that concept, but is also both goes back to the ur-myth of the hero's journey. Boy literally marked (lightning scar/demon mark) for greatness, girl who is smart but not physically skilled so she can be useful without threatening, and well, the friend. Ron is a very English version of the friend, ie batman, while it is usually an darker (but not a dark) version of oneself.
Freudian analysis of Aquaman covers.
From what I can tell, Naruto is the Japanese Harry Potter, only much more violent. Which makes it way cooler, of course.
I can go with that! Although Harry is celebrated as the Boy Who Lived, whereas poor Naruto is almost universally reviled. And none of the Hogwarts teachers read porn in front of their students.
I ♥ Shikamaru.
Tony Millionarie's new project: "It’s basically a love story about a little girl and a tiny wild man made out of suet."
Really good photoshopping of superheroes & classical art:
Wow. There are a couple of those I would love to turn into LJ icons (BatMona especially).
"Batty Night" is a perfect concept, although neither attempt got the execution quite right.
Frankly, I've seen Batman be gayer than this. And this.
Well, yeah. For example...
That first Wonder Woman painting is truly a thing of beauty.