Okay, 'a curse that brought a terrible vengeance upon the tribe in the form of Angelus's family: Darla, Drusilla, and most notably, William the Bloody, a.k.a. "Spike."' is more than a little revisionist. I know it's his comic, and all, but please.
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
I know. It's kind of a major change to make in the story.
I like the little sepia picture of Jilli on the first cover.
Me too.
I like the little sepia picture of Jilli on the first cover.
clicks on link
Bwah! Okay, that's funny.
Aaaand I just realized I need (NEED, I tell you!) someone much more skilled with Photoshop than I to crop the little sepia image and turn it into an LJ icon for me. Because that would be even funnier.
Jill - I cropped if for you -- but I can't do anything fancy with it.
(And I sent it to your profile address.)
EEeeeee! I just got it, and thank you so much!
Jili, how's this? I reframed it a bit, just to the portrait.
Ooh, that's much better.