Of the real cover? Some iteration of Superman, I'm assuming. (Robo-Superman?)
I am definitely hitting the comic store on the way home.
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Of the real cover? Some iteration of Superman, I'm assuming. (Robo-Superman?)
I am definitely hitting the comic store on the way home.
I picked up my comics over lunch.
Started reading Identity Crisis, then thought -- maybe I should read everything else first. Particularly Villains United.
Aha. Thanks.
Well, my thought was based on nothing more than knowing that say, VU was supposed to be leading up to Infinite Crisis, you know? Rather than any spoilery type knowledge.
Who's the guy in the upper right corner?
He's Alexander Luthor, the son of the Pre-Crisis Earth-3's Lex Luthor .
Also? Wahooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Double aha.
And thanks too.
Who's the guy in the upper right corner?
Daaaaaaamn, baby.
Dammit. Wonder if I can get to the store today.
Eh, doubt it.
Villains United made me go "Whuzza?" And also made me go Parademon -n- Ragdoll 4EVAH!!! And then "Parademon OH NOES!!!!"
Infinite Crisis #1 was....well, I'm intrigued. I'll say that much. And -- are we meant to think that J'onn is dead? Because it seemed deliberately vague to me. Also, all the people in the Uncle Sam brigade getting killed would mean a lot more to me if I had a single clue who they were.
And the final page of IC = Teh KEWL. But I am a cheeseball. I dig that shit.
I only hope that those characters are treated VERY reverently by DC editorial, Steph. The oldest two were given essentially a perfect happy ending, and if they are being pulled out of permanent retirement off in Misy Magic Land only to have some snot-nosed writer degrade them a couple years down the line to prove how edgy and cool he is (or, God forbid, have Golden Age Lois turn up stuffed into a refigerator at some point), I will go on the warpath .