I'm aware of DCAU Supergirl's origins, I just find it weird for her to have the exact powers and weaknesses as Superman, except in this one specific case.
'Why We Fight'
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I thought it was weird with TT's "secret identities will confuse the kids" policy that the DP referred to each other by both first names and hero names interchangably.
One of the signature things about the comic book Doom Patrol was that they almost never used their code names themselves, very much like the Fantastic Four.
As far as Supergirl goes, in the old days whenever Superman used to visit a planet with a red sun, it was almost automatic that he'd come across a piece of kryptonite, and be totally immune to it. That may have changed when he was reimagined, but JLU doesn't always follow recent canon.
Wow, they should have saved Neil and Alan for the finale against each other. Though I hope the final outcome is the winner of that match rather than Bendis or Miller.
I think I clicked on each of their names a dozen times before making my final choice.
Damn Gaiman fanboys are probably all busy doing their eyeliner for an Anansi Boys signing or something.
Neil told 'em to vote for Moore. Amazingly obedient ....
(I'm expecting and dreading the Miller outcome.)
I admit that I chose Neil, though Alan's better. Neil needed the vote more.
Well, you know, in my HEAD he needed the vote more.
(I'm expecting and dreading the Miller outcome.)
For this round, or for the whole deal?
I kept expecting someone to knock him out earlier, but that was wishful thinking.
Miller's like the Chris Carter of comic book writers in my world view: started with good and seemingly novel concepts that shook things up, but hamstrung by hubris and a belief in his own hype.
For the whole deal, sadly. Although I'd dearly love to see Bendis take him in this round.
I voted for Bendis, for the reasons Plei gave in her description of Miller.
I'm looking to the future, not the past. (Yes, I voted for Moore over Gaiman. Yes, I can see where that contradicts the whole future/past thing. Hush up!)
Yes, I voted for Moore over Gaiman. Yes, I can see where that contradicts the whole future/past thing. Hush up!
Eh, it doesn't really. They're both kind of past, but Moore's more active in comics than Gaiman.
Be glad you didn't read any further into the Village Voice review. From the second paragraph:
Gaiman's had too much success to think in any terms other than those that have earned him subliterate demigod-hood
Um. I think I'm officially pissed off at being called subliterate. I think I also have a bunch of rather advanced books on my bookshelf, right next to my Gaiman comics, that prove otherwise.