Anybody else got a favorite page?
Havok taking apart a Sentinel way back when Neal Adams was drawing X-Men.
'Smile Time'
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Anybody else got a favorite page?
Havok taking apart a Sentinel way back when Neal Adams was drawing X-Men.
Ooh! Mike Grell's Legion of Super Heroes issue where they fought Pulsar Stargrave for the first time, with the splash page of Superboy being knocked into orbit...
I can think of a lot of iconic covers, but interior pages aren't popping up as easily.
My brain keeps going to Jack Kirby splash pages. Maybe Thor in hell rescuing Hercules. There's a lot of big machinery, that's for sure. Maybe Scott Free escaping Apokolips.
Havok taking apart a Sentinel way back when Neal Adams was drawing X-Men.
Ooh, yeah that's good. I think my Neil Adams page would be bare-chested, hairychested Batman confronting Ra's Al Ghul.
Ooh, yeah that's good. I think my Neil Adams page would be bare-chested, hairychested Batman confronting Ra's Al Ghul.
See, I thought he looked kinda dumb because he was still wearing his cowl. Also, that issue had the kiss with Ra's's daughter, again barechested w/cowl, but still hot.
Speaking of comic art, here's (most of) my GF's collection: [link] Her grail piece is the autopsy spread from Who Killed Retro Girl. She was asked to be on a panel at last years' Comic-Con as a collector of recent comic art. So proud!
Her grail piece is the autopsy spread from Who Killed Retro Girl.
Good choice. Iconic in a lot of ways.
Did you see that she has her grail? Did I mention the proud part? [link]
GF's collection
Move to NC. I swear to doG we won't get too many nosefingerprints on the pretties.
Hee! She has a pretty awesome collection, if I do say so myself. As for NC, we're still considering it...
Need to pick up comics.
But can't do it 'til tomorrow.