I don't even know what the other contenders
for greatest comics page ever.
Maybe the famous Spider-Man where he's trapped under all the junk and finally gets free. Or Ben Grimm getting turned back into the Thing by Reed against his will to fight Dr. Doom. Of course, that's just superhero comics.
What are the famous pages?
My favorite comic book page ever is from "The Death of Speedy" in L&R.
My favorite comic book page ever is from "The Death of Speedy" in L&R.
Good choice! Anybody else got a favorite page?
This might be a contender, as might Jean Grey rising as Phoenix for the first time and Captain Mar-Vell dying at Thanos' hands. I can think of a lot of iconic covers, but interior pages aren't popping up as easily.
Anybody else got a favorite page?
Havok taking apart a Sentinel way back when Neal Adams was drawing X-Men.
Ooh! Mike Grell's Legion of Super Heroes issue where they fought Pulsar Stargrave for the first time, with the splash page of Superboy being knocked into orbit...
I can think of a lot of iconic covers, but interior pages aren't popping up as easily.
My brain keeps going to Jack Kirby splash pages. Maybe Thor in hell rescuing Hercules. There's a lot of big machinery, that's for sure. Maybe Scott Free escaping Apokolips.
Havok taking apart a Sentinel way back when Neal Adams was drawing X-Men.
Ooh, yeah that's good. I think my Neil Adams page would be bare-chested, hairychested Batman confronting Ra's Al Ghul.
Ooh, yeah that's good. I think my Neil Adams page would be bare-chested, hairychested Batman confronting Ra's Al Ghul.
See, I thought he looked kinda dumb because he was still wearing his cowl. Also, that issue had the kiss with Ra's's daughter, again barechested w/cowl, but still hot.
Speaking of comic art, here's (most of) my GF's collection: [link] Her grail piece is the autopsy spread from Who Killed Retro Girl. She was asked to be on a panel at last years' Comic-Con as a collector of recent comic art. So proud!
Her grail piece is the autopsy spread from Who Killed Retro Girl.
Good choice. Iconic in a lot of ways.