SA, insent with the log files.
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
That was lots of fun. Liked 1602 a lot. I don't think Viginia Dare is Snowbird, although I have no idea who it actually is. I'd never even thought of Steve Rogers. That was a great catch. (I was thinking Thunderbird.) As far as Magneto being the inquisitor goes, I thought it might be, but then I wondered would a Jew be the inquisitor? They do mention that many Jews pretended to be Catholics. He does seem to be the leader of the evil witchbreeds. I liked the set up for the Gunpowder plot. Wonder when Guy Fawkes shows up?
POI, DXM: Magneto's not a Jew. He's a Gypsy. Just a persecuted, different accent.
Got my Fray, but they were out of 1602. Curses! Comic book guy says he'll try to get me one by Monday. I feel dreadfully uncool.
Remember, Marvel has a no-reprint policy, so it may be hard for stores to get reorders, so snag as soon as you are able..
SA, if worse comes to worst, I'd be happy to forward my copy.
Got my Fray, but they were out of 1602. Curses! Comic book guy says he'll try to get me one by Monday. I feel dreadfully uncool.
If you don't get one by next weekend, I'll bring mine down.
Also, will e-mail later today to make plans, once my head is less foggy.
Aw, ya'll rock. Thank you.
SA, my local store had a ton of copies-- I can check if they still have 'em on Monday, and get you one then if you need it.
Thanks, sweetie. I'll see where I am on Monday.