SA, my local store had a ton of copies-- I can check if they still have 'em on Monday, and get you one then if you need it.
'The Message'
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Thanks, sweetie. I'll see where I am on Monday.
I picked it up myself, but haven't had a chance to sit down with it yet (1602 that is). How many issues is it going to be, again? Or has that not been said?
I think it said 8.
Emmett and I are playing the Fairytale Road Rage game by Chris Ware in Little Lit's Folktales and Fairytales. It's really fun, even if assembling the little folded together tokens is a bitch. It does a sort of Mad Libs thing where you collect chits such as Occupation and Superlative Adjective to fill out your storycard. Whoever finishes their story wins. The Denouement slot includes such possibilities as "Acquired Superpowers" and "Vomited for Ten Minutes."
OK. I just finished "Watchmen." Wow.
Raquel - did you read it one BIG gulp, cause yeah. I had problems with the crisis du machina, but so much else was SO sublime, plus Moore undermined the ending enough to make me happy.
If you've never read V FOR VENDETTA, go out there and get it, pronto!
I read it in two sessions...I read the first half, more or less, a couple nights ago at work. Then today I went back and reviewed the first half, because I was starting to see all the connections. I finished it today.
My only complaint, okay, my only two complaints are that the ending felt rushed to me. Also, while the artist managed to include a ton of information and recurring motifs, I wasn't thrilled with how he drew the female characters, at least in the first few issues. I thought Sally Jupiter was a transvestite. It got better, but I had some problems with the art. For example, I was convinced that Rorschach's secret identity was who he turned out to be, but when his face is revealed for the first time, I thought, "Oh, it's NOT him...the hair color's the same though, which is weird."
But otherwise, I'm all kinds of impressed. It's one of the best things I've ever read about the world as seen by the Boomers. Also, I like Moore taking the overly-moral genre of comic books and creating a purposefully non-moral comic book. Everything is shades of grey.
Just won the bid for my first ever e-bay item -- the Fray series. Thanks for all the info./advice upthread. I can't wait to get my hands on these. Yippee!
I wonder if someone will make a Buffy trivia game. I'd so buy that.