I haven't shopped yet, so am commentless, but how do you feel about this from Greg Rucka?
“I want to say, before anything else that we tried very hard to build OMAC so that you weren’t obligated to buy anything else, and we failed,” Rucka said. “We really did. I’ll cop to it – I won’t lie about it. And we did it by playing dirty pool too – if you were buying The OMAC Project, you really need the Superman and Wonder Woman books to know what’s happening in issue #4 of the miniseries. If you don’t read them, it’s possible to understand them, but you don’t get the emotional resonance. That was a little bit of dirty pool, but we didn’t plan it out that way – we weren’t looking to spring this on people, but that’s the way it happened, and again, we’re sorry. So instead of a six issue miniseries, you get a ten issue miniseries, and I won’t fault any reader for not picking it up. I’d still suggest them though, because they’re a good story and worth reading, but I’d suggest, if nothing else, you pick up Wonder Woman #219 at the very least – call it issue OMAC #3.5 if you must, because it sets up the events of OMAC #4.”
I'm going to pick up my comics after work.
I was on my way to get comics last night, but someone was supposed to look at the car at 6:30 and traffic was horrible, so we turned around and went home. 6:30 fucko never showed.
Has anyone here read Superman: Secret Identity?
Has anyone here read Superman: Secret Identity?
I highly recommend it. Written by Kurt Busiek, gorgeous art by Stuart Immonen. Not your ordinariy Superman comic by any stretch. Not much more I can say without spoiling it.
Wonder Woman is going to be sold out, isn't it?
Oh no, I just finished it last night. Well, I picked it up right before going to bed, figuring I'd read a few pages as a teaser and finish it up over the week. Yeah. Wow.
When I started reading it I was thinking
"Max picked the wrong super-heroine to get all chauvinistic and gloaty with. Unlike the rest of the big JLA heroes Diana doesn't have much of a rogues gallery—because her enemies tend to leave their fights in body bags!"
It felt kinda good to be proven right a few pages later.
Heh. Excellent point about the rogue's gallery, Matt.
Do not fuck with Bondage Girl, The world's most dangerous bottom!