We do need to get a bag and a board for it, I think. I should be able to pick that up at a local comics store, shouldn't it? Or is it one of those things that they're only going to sell by the gross?
Every comic store I've been to has sold bags and boards individually.
ION, I've been (re)watching Batman Beyond seasons 2 and 3 was amused to discover Michael Rosenbaum turning up every couple episodes voicing assorted random thugs and the recent two-parter I watched featured Alexis Denisof as a character named Xander.
Dana, Overstreet doesn't seem to list the Special Edition variant - they only list the original, and the painted cover variant, and both are listed at the cover price of $2.50. I hope to pick up the new edition tomorrow, so I'll check and see if the special edition is listed there.
Jilli, I don't have much to offer on where to sell, since my experience has all been on the buying end. I guess I would start with testing out the local comic shops and see what they might want for it. It looks to me like the Caliber issues are fairly rare - if you take a look at this MileHighComics page, you can see that they are charging an arm and a leg when they actually have the issues in stock. I couldn't find any mention anywhere of a Caliber Christmas special.
Jilli, have you asked Uncle Jeff?
Dana, try just taking it with you to the comic book shop, and they can probably rate the quality, and may make you an offer on the spot. Of course, that offer will be lower than what you'd get on eBay, probably.
Jilli, have you asked Uncle Jeff?
No. I need to ask him and Aron. Especially Aron, since he owns a comic shop and all.
Yeah, Aron might be your very best bet.
I keep forgetting that I'm not actually subbed to this thread.
Thanks, Jeff. I popped into Barnes and Noble on the way home, and every book I could find, including the current Overstreet, doesn't list it. I appreciate the help.
So, did anyone else just about lose it when
Flash made a crack about the Batmobile
in last night's JLU?
I just saw the re-run of JLU (didn't see it last night), and the truly hilarious part about Flash's
line was the completely serious way in which MR delivered it.
Also, the ending? FUCKED-UP, yo. Though it's interesting how it's dovetailing with the comics.
Though it's interesting how it's dovetailing with the comics.
I agree with the TFU,Y aspect, I more or less said the same outloud when I saw it, but as someone who's not keeping up with the comics, how is it fitting in with them?