Was this week the last week of JLU? Darn it! I missed the episode.
'Heart Of Gold'
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
I don't think it was the last week, because nothing was resolved. Except the part where it was confirmed that Superman IS a dick.
Two more episodes, according to DX and other sources.
Zombies are the new vampires.
I'm doubting it inspires a whole lot of fanfic though, as the slash potential is so gruesome.
Heh. JZ asked me to pull out my V for Vendetta in prep for the movie. As it turns out I have a haphazard incomplete set mixed between Warrior and it's US release.
However, I did have Miracleman 1-15 handy, and now she's drooling with Alan Moore love.
Two more episodes, according to DX and other sources.
Four more, I think. It's hard to tell. I missed Saturday's. Was it the one where Supes and Huntress broke into Cadmus to rescue the Question ?
No, that was week before last.
Three, then.
I need to read Miracle Man. Yes, I know, the TPB is held up because of rights issues. I don't care, I want it, and I want it now.
I am entirely too impatient. I ended up aheming the remaining three JLU episodes. I enjoyed them imensely, though the final episode seemed rather random, beyond, I guess, attempting to wrap-up the DCAU. Didn't one of the major contributers to the DCAU since BtAS quit? I know there's rumors of a 5th season of JL but if one of the main people isn't going to be involved I suppose "Epilogue" makes sense in that context.