And that last panel was awesome. I mean, what a great way to show THEY'RE ALL GOING TO DIE OMG.
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
I'm now the happy owner of an Angel: The Curse #1 issue with the puppet variant cover. The first place I tried was totally out of stock, and I picked up the last copy (Bradstreet cover) the second store had. I don't know what compelled me to call the third store when I got home, but they said they had one of the puppet covers left, so I hopped in the car to pick it up. Now to go read the actual issue...
I've been trying to read Planetary all morningOh! Does reading Planetary made the Fantastic Four ads seem creepy to you? Because they're freaking me out, but I know very little about the, er, "real" characters, so I'm not a good sample.
Oh! Does reading Planetary made the Fantastic Four ads seem creepy to you? Because they're freaking me out, but I know very little about the, er, "real" characters, so I'm not a good sample.
Not really, but I've been avoiding the Fantastic Four ads like the plague.
I think the JLU staff has been spending too much time on the Superman is a Dick web site.
I think the JLU staff has been spending too much time on the Superman is a Dick web site.
Heh. OTOH, I just watched the last two eps of the season, and they were frelling amazing.
I think the JLU staff has been spending too much time on the Superman is a Dick web site.
Amen. Remember when people used to joke about Superman's idealism?
I also remember having a WTF?!? moment the first time the show devoted like 15 minutes to the JLA's big orbital phallic symbolfusion cannon heating up and going off. I think the writers have Issues.
I didn't see Superman as being particularly dickish, though he's certainly less idealistic than he used to be. But considering he just had to beat down one colleage while rescuing another from imprisonment and torture as well as learning someone he considered a friend now fears him, is working for a group that is actively plotting the league's destruction and create a clone of his cousin to use as an assassin I can understand him being a little eager to lay the smack down.
So, I spent a few minutes at the comic book store, reading some of the zombie comics that are currently coming out. First off, I'm a touch confused that there are so many of them out right now. Secondly, I think the only one worth reading is Walking Dead.
Zombies are the new vampires.