Oh, and OMAC, I like.
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
I think I should see if Batman Allies:SFO is still available.
Some brief comments on this week's pull list (in the order I have read them):
Angel: The Curse #1 - I didn't get the Angel puppet cover, dammit. It was good to get a new Angel story, but man, this issue was almost all exposition. I found the art a bit stiff, although there were a couple of panels I liked. I think things will liven up in the next issue. I'll have more to say about this issue later.
The Omac Project #3 - I LOVED this issue. The naysayers who are down on the DC "event" are missing out, IMHO. The part where Superman saved Bats was perfect. Good character moments (it figures that Rucka could give Booster depth). I do think the final bit is kind of WTF?, but I don't think I am anticipating another book more than this one at this time.
Wonder Woman #217 - I found this issue predicatble but enjoyable (I think most dealings with the Greek gods are going to be fairly predictable, and it was obvious that Diana was going to get her eyesight back (hell, she has it back throughout OMAC) , but I still liked the story. Between this and OMAC, though, it appears that Diana is in for a rough time. I found it funny that some of the end pages of the DC books were touting WW #218 for this week's hot books.
The Outsiders #25 - As Plei commented, a bit predictable. Also, Luthor never learns, does he? I did think there were some good artistic flourishes, esp. regarding camera angles and Indigo's face. I do think that Nightwing is kidding himself if he thinks anything he does can just be "business". He gets emotionally involved in everything he does. I agree with many commentators that it makes absolutely no sense to indicate on the cover that the issue crosses over with Teen Titans. It also seems to me that the Donna Troy piece is just being shoehorned in, rather than flowing naturally.
Batman # 641 - Count me as another big fan. Excellent pacing, some pretty snazzy art (I would kill for the original of the full page shot of Bats standing in the rain), and even though it may be melodramatic, I think it is called for here, especially considering how important Winick feels the storyline is.
Flash #223 - Suffers from mid-arc-itis. A lot of fighting, a lot of charcters to keep track of, and a set up at the end for finale of the Rogue War (which I'm sure is going to take another 2 issues), but not much progress in this issue itself.
Batgirl # 65 - Another top-notch issue by Gabrych. I am puzzled by the comment that Batman had that Cassandra would be about the same age as Jason but maybe I am mis-interepreting the scene. This book is not getting enough publicity.
Runaways #5 - The most FUN issue of the week. I really hope readership goes up on this title, because it is massively enjoyable.
Young Avengers #5 - All-fight issue. A minor setback in what is another fun title, much more enjoyable than I had expected.
Green Lantern #2 - Another Geoff Johns all set-up issue, but fortunately, the arc is only a three-issue one. Pretty artwork. I do like the creepy, empty Coast City location.
JLA Classified #9 - This "I Can't Believe It's Not the Justice League" run has been wholly weird - the comedy routine is just vitiated by the events of Identity Crisis, Countdown to Infinite Crisis, and The OMAC Project. Still, this run was enjoyable on its own terms (G'nort-zilla!), and managed to deepen characterization of Guy and Booster. Ironinc ending.
Still to come - Batman Secret Files - I did get to the Montoya story, and liked it; Solo #5 (Darwyn Cooke! Slam Bradley story!), Planetary #23, The Losers #25, Seven Soldiers: Shining Knight #3.
THIS is the week I pick to buy my comics on the weekend, and this is the week y'all not only buy on time, but type scads.
Jeff, I am amused to note that where what we read crossed over, we had pretty much the same take.
I've been trying to read Planetary all morning (well, since about 3am), but the baby won't let me. Seriously. I start, she fusses. I start, she fusses. I may try fooling her by hiding it inside Batgirl or something.
Runaways #5 - The most FUN issue of the week. I really hope readership goes up on this title, because it is massively enjoyable.
Wasn't it fucking sweet, Jeff? I mean, robots! Also, Vaughan gives good fight scene. And now my comic book store is closed. I have to find a way to keep up with it.
P-C, not just robots, but a DOOM-bot! And an Ultron! The writing in this series seems effortless.
And that last panel was awesome. I mean, what a great way to show THEY'RE ALL GOING TO DIE OMG.
I'm now the happy owner of an Angel: The Curse #1 issue with the puppet variant cover. The first place I tried was totally out of stock, and I picked up the last copy (Bradstreet cover) the second store had. I don't know what compelled me to call the third store when I got home, but they said they had one of the puppet covers left, so I hopped in the car to pick it up. Now to go read the actual issue...
I've been trying to read Planetary all morningOh! Does reading Planetary made the Fantastic Four ads seem creepy to you? Because they're freaking me out, but I know very little about the, er, "real" characters, so I'm not a good sample.