Also -- what other tie-in titles are worth reading?
I'm loving Villains United, partly b/c Simone's writing it, and partly b/c I'm just really enjoying watching all the baddies.
'Bring On The Night'
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Also -- what other tie-in titles are worth reading?
I'm loving Villains United, partly b/c Simone's writing it, and partly b/c I'm just really enjoying watching all the baddies.
My store couldn't find their Villains United. For that and other reasons, I need to detach myself from the immediate reward of being able to buy my comics Wednesday lunchtime, and just go somewhere decent.
Ultimate X-Men -- I find myself, quite unexpectedly, an Ultimate Logan/Ro shipper. So I was eagerly turning pages this issue. Much better than the Longshot stuff, which disappointed me a bit, especially considering my love of the character.
Teen Titans misted me up, and I'm not even a Cassie/Kon shipper. She was good.
I forgot to check Villains United but my comic shop had tons of OMAC Project #1, Rann/Thanagar War #1 & #2 and all three of Day of Vengeance.
Wow, Day of Vengeance didn't sell out at your store?
I think that the initial run did and what we've got now is the other printings.
On the new comics list for June 29th:
Omac Project #2 Second Ptg, $2.50
Omac Project #3 (Of 6), $2.50
Wow, Day of Vengeance didn't sell out at your store?
Is that a wee little bit of sarcasm, Matt, or is it genuine surprise? Of the "Countdown to Crisis" mini-series, Day of Vengence is the series pulling up the rear, sales-wise, but it is still pulling in respectable numbers and hitting the "sold out at the publisher" lists.
Everybody should be getting Astro City: The Dark Age #1. Kurt Busiek rocks mightily.
Also on this week's pull list is Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere #1, adapted by Mike Carey (Lucifer) and Glenn Fabry (Preacher covers).
Also, Captain America #7 is out - I am anticipating it highly to see if what was revealed in #6 is real, or if House of M crossover will kill the plot for a while. I am also picking up House of M, but I refuse to get the crossover series attached to that. The DC crossover is pulling enough out of my wallet.
Jeff, you and I are as one when it comes to House of M -- I'm intrigued by it (though horribly confused by this week's issue), but I refuse to buy the associated "Spider-Man: House of M," etc. No way, mang.
Also on this week's pull list is Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere #1, adapted by Mike Carey (Lucifer) and Glenn Fabry (Preacher covers).
I picked this up today. I really dislike the artwork.
It was more than a bit of sarcasm. Apparently my comic store must be atypical in still having stacks of each DoV issue that could stop a rifle bullet, but as that customer response jibes with my opinion of the story I assumed it was a more widespread phenomenon.