Why are most of the "cats," whether at DC or Marvel, women?
There are plenty of male cat characters, they're just not as popular.
Comic Book Legal Defense Fund? Huh?
Jeez, you're a reporter. Look it up.
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Why are most of the "cats," whether at DC or Marvel, women?
There are plenty of male cat characters, they're just not as popular.
Comic Book Legal Defense Fund? Huh?
Jeez, you're a reporter. Look it up.
Clearly, this Jennifer Brummett person is an expert at spotting trends, and has a future in the comic book retailing business. I should tell her about this hot new trend called "pogs". Now is the time to get in on the bottom floor.
It's ALF! He's back! And in POG form!
Now, now. She admits in the first paragraph that she doesn't know much about the industry.
There are plenty of male cat characters, they're just not as popular.
Mmm, Wildcat.
Also, since his Sexy Makeover, I suspect Catman will get at least a small cult following.
The problem with the male cats is that they don't have the whole Bat-hookup angle working for them.
Top 10 questions I have about comic books
Have I mentioned how much I love writers who revel in the fact that they're uninformed about something? They're ever so cute and clever. Like head lice.
Now, now. She admits in the first paragraph that she doesn't know much about the industry.
And why exactly did the editor assign her this story rather than someone who did?
The problem with the male cats is that they don't have the whole Bat-hookup angle working for them.
Clearly you need to start writing for DC Comics so you can correct this.
I'm so amused by the guest voices on tonight's JLU. I'm expecting Vixen to say to Vigilante, "Take me, sir. Take me hard."
Yup, that would be great. Of course, the question is what the hell is J'onn thinking about sending Vigilante on a space mission? That bit about GL not being able to go because there might be confusion as to who is in charge is utter nonsense.
I was kind of scratching my head about that one, too. Exactly how much use do you have for an Old West gunslinger on a mission to rescue miners in the depths of space ?
Still, I enjoyed the episode. Vigilante made me laugh quite a bit, though part of it could have been me making mental comparisons to Mal.