Marvel did the very same thing with the X-Books in either '99 or '00. Only it was six months instead of a year. It worked better for some books than others, which is all down to writing.
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Weird industry news for the day: Slave Labor Graphics gets Disney Comic Book License.
Weird industry news for the day: Slave Labor Graphics gets Disney Comic Book License.
Huh? That goes beyond weird and barrels straight into BizzarroLand.
That's like Russ Meyer becoming spokesperson for the Moral Majority.
Disney obviously missed the last issue of Jhonen Vasquez' Fillerbunny, where he depicted Dan Vado t gross sitting on his throne wearing a coat of live fetuses t /gross
My comic book store is going out of business waaaaaaah.
I read #1 of House of M today, and apart from the little voice in my head trying to make me think of The House of Yes, I'm wondering -- what's up with Wolverine? He was zombified and killed the French Canadian guy, and then a couple X titles were dealing with fallout -- but how done is that?
I just found out that mine's probably closing by August, and the competent knows-the-business clerk is jumping ship next month to a new store run by a friend of his that I could, if I were feeling uncharitable, call a pinheaded blowhard. By next year I may be buying all my comics in Memphis on Saturdays.
I was going to get my comics after work but given the giant black line of t-storms coming my way, I think I'll wait 'til tomorrow.