Ooooh! New Teen Titans today!!! I think I also have to pick up last week's comics, too.
Yeah, I do, b/c all y'all were talking about Astounishing and I haven't read it yet.
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Ooooh! New Teen Titans today!!! I think I also have to pick up last week's comics, too.
Yeah, I do, b/c all y'all were talking about Astounishing and I haven't read it yet.
Have read Teen Titans.
t dies
t revives
t flails
t dies again
Hee. It was an enjoyable issue.
I finally doublechecked Astounishing. The fist in the penultimate Wolverine scene is the normal robot hand from the rest of the issue. The fist in the final scene is blue gloved and human appearing. I'm going to chalk it up as artist error and not meaningful.
Maybe it's his tacky yellow and blue suit hitting the man when he's down?
Did anyone read the new Simone/Byrne Action Comics? I am so glad that for once JB is just drawing a title while letting someone who can actually write handle that task.
The development with Doctor Polaris was way more intriguing than anything I've seen with a villain in a Superman title recently. And you just know that if Byrne had written it the dialogue would have been stilted and twice as dense .
I'm reading it, Matt. Added Action to my pull as soon as I heard Simone was taking over the writing. And agreed.
New JLU tonight at 9 p.m. Eastern. Set your VCRs/Tivos accordingly.
Is it new at 9 pm Eastern and a repeat at 8:30 eastern?
Cartoon Network's website says that at 8:30 is an episode of The Batman.
Nice -- this is the episode with Adam Baldwin and Juliet Landau doing guest voices. Because her accent isn't a Drusilla accent, I would never have known it was her if I hadn't read the credits on