Having him take Barry's place felt very organic and a natural outgrowth of Barry's separate heroic death story.
I agree. Mind, I likd Kyle, and really like Green Arrow Jr., but Flash more than all of them seemed to fulfill the promise of sidekicks turning into heroes in their own right and eventually stepping into their mentor's roles.
More than Nightwing?
Dick's a hero in his own right, but is still very much in Bruce's shadow. Also, though he did have his proving-himself-thing in Prodigal while pinch hitting, Dick? Still not Batman.
I'm trying to think of other sidekickereenos. Donna Troy? Roy? Yeah, I guess Wally qualifies as best in show.
Anyone else read Y: The Last Man On Earth? And think it's just about the best thing since Sandman?
Anyone else read Y: The Last Man On Earth? And think it's just about the best thing since Sandman?
Yes, and no.
I do like it a lot, but I don't find it earthshaking.
Anyone else read Y: The Last Man On Earth? And think it's just about the best thing since Sandman?
I still haven't read
but I love
It rocks like Dokks.
I keep meaning to check out "Y".
ION, I'm rather chuffed to see so many other Blue Beetle fans out there.
Dick's a hero in his own right, but is still very much in Bruce's shadow. Also, though he did have his proving-himself-thing in Prodigal while pinch hitting, Dick? Still not Batman.
Plei is me. The thing is, the reader knows they're never going to kill Bruce Wayne. Ever. So, while Nightwing may be a hero in his own right, he'll never be Batman for real. Barry dying and Wally taking on the mantle was pretty damn unique.
The writer of Y is an obvious Bowie freak, that always helps.