Was anyone, at the end of
Ex Machina,
reminded of
Giles about to be decapitated?
UXM was pretty good, and
Nightcrawler and Colossus are totally
was here and there. I wasn't paying attention for about half the issue, but then things started happening at the end. Or something. Losing interest.
what Nightcrawler is is totally clueless. Not only is he completely in the dark about Colossus, he doesn't get that being a carny with blue fur and a tail might move him out of first place in line for teenage girls to wibble over
You're not a teenage girl.
Everybody must go out and get
Adventures of Superman
#638 - you don't even have to be hooked into current Superman continuity to understand the story. All of Rucka's Mr. Mxyzptlk appearances have been wild, but this takes the cake. There are riffs on Frank Miller, Bruce Timm, and Calvin and Hobbes in the story. Thouroughly enjoyable, and criminally under-reviewed.
Everybody must go out and get Adventures of Superman #638 - you don't even have to be hooked into current Superman continuity to understand the story. All of Rucka's Mr. Mxyzptlk appearances have been wild, but this takes the cake. There are riffs on Frank Miller, Bruce Timm, and Calvin and Hobbes in the story. Thouroughly enjoyable, and criminally under-reviewed.
I've found most of the Mxyzptlk stuff to be uneven (okay, fine, I have Mxyzptlk issues), but I do have to second this. Rucka did good.
Comics Continuum has the four covers for the second book in the IDW mini up.
So comiclist has this listed:
Ed The Happy Clown #1 (Of 9), $2.95
I'm assuming it's a reprint. I would really like to recommend this to anyone who hasn't read it, but I can't. I'm also afraid that if I warned people about the
pages and pages of scatology
and the
talking penis that looks like Ronald Reagan
that people would be turned off completely, but they shouldn't be, because it's really, really good. It's a classic.
Also this week is Filler Bunny #3, which is the first new comic from Jhonen Vasquez in several years. Also very, very gross.