Has anyone seen this? About the latest issue of Wolverine: [link]
It's a big spoiler, but I don't think anyone on the board would mind knowing: Northstar is killed off, Marvel's only openly gay superhero.
'The Killer In Me'
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Has anyone seen this? About the latest issue of Wolverine: [link]
It's a big spoiler, but I don't think anyone on the board would mind knowing: Northstar is killed off, Marvel's only openly gay superhero.
Tom, I mentioned that upthread. But I read elsewhere that there are two Northstars in the Alpha Flight title, so maybe it's not as final (yeah, these are comics) as it looks. Still waiting for confirmation on that, though.
The Alpha Flight plot apparently involved time travel to a pre-Alpha Flight #12 moment, with James Hudson still alive, and the whole original crew present. So theoretically both Northstars were the same person, just at different ages .
Which one is dead, though? Are they both around? Can there still be a Northstar in current continuity?
This just in...
Whedon and Cassaday on X-Men for 24 more issues.
Details to follow. Marvel must have made an offer they couldn't refuse.
Linked story says 12 more for a total of 24. Still, great news.
Also, there will be Serenity comics from Dark Horse soon.
Insomnia has led me to check out the solicits for the next couple of months of comics, and the cover for TT #23 made me laugh so hard that I have to share it. (It's character-spoily, in terms of who's on the cover, though I have no idea if that means the character or characters are actually going to be in the story, or if it's a misleading cover. In any case, consider yourself warned.) TT #23 is the conclusion of the 3-part Dr. Light arc, where apparently we find out, via the cover, that Dr. Light's powers come from his GIGANTIC, GLOWING, TESTICLE!!!!
Seriously, though. What *else* could he be reaching for down there?
Whedon and Cassaday on X-Men for 24 more issues.
Wheee. Even if that's only 12 more, it makes me very happy.
My one concern is whether Astounishing will get caught up in the up-coming x-over. Anyone know?