I'm sure he would. Interestingly, in Smallville, Clark did something similar - - only it was hot cocoa.
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And you know, in that context, it's just fine. Some things are sacred, and I'm all about the water being heated separately. I'm not even one of the fascists who insist on the water going on over the tea. See? Openminded.
Oh. I thought you were criticizing Supes' using his powers for something frivolous, not the way he made tea.
One must wonder why Supes can't get a decent teapot to the Fortress of Solitude, I'm sure if he asked Alfred would be happy to give him some tea prep advice. Has Alfred ever been to the Fortress of Solitude?
Huh. I nuke my tea all the time. Call me a phillistine.
DX, you're a philistine.
DX, you're not only a philistine, you're a barbarian.
It doesn't seem to make much difference to the tea.
Also, would a barbarian drink Earl Grey?
would a barbarian drink Earl Grey?
I've been told by purists, quite decidedly yes, and then they'd put milk in it.
I'd never put milk in it, so there.