She rocks hard. Superman: President Lex is a good trade to read for the Lois love.
Good for characterization, but that trade is all over the map in art and story (take a few pages from Adventures, add a few pages from Man of Steel, maybe even include an entire issue of Action). I definitely didn't like the flow of that trade.
I got hosed this week at the comics shop - they still haven't worked out the bugs in the ownership transistion. Almost all of my DC comics didn't come in, although I did get
JLA Classified, Planetary,
Y The Last Man.
I also finally received
Justice League Elite
#7, (just before #8 due next week), but haven't had time to read anything.
came in as well, so all was not lost. Still, I hope my shop gets things to gether soon, because all of the white font is killing me.
About NW 102: Why do we think that
Superman is hanging on to Dick's batarang?
Nightwing made me giggle mostly, though I didn't totally understand how [spoiler] was meant to work.
the bomb was meant to be dropped 200 feet, thus exploding when it hit the ground. The timer was a failsafe so if the altitude meter activated but didn't trigger the bomb, the timer would. It kind of confused me too, because it's not a very good failsafe: how does it know whether the altitude trigger was broken or it simply never dropped at all?
ita, I noticed that, too, and I totally expected
to notice and say something.
But in answer to your question, I believe the correct answer is: "Because
Superman looooooooooves him...."
Though, probably,
just thought,
"Cool! Free paperweight!"
I'm gonna go with your correct answer, Steph, but I did wonder about
crack reporter Lois
not picking up on it.
It's an ugly thing, amych.
Luckily the boys are pretty.
I just had a huge D'OH moment. I lent a co-worker volume 1 of Runaways and Ex Machina.
It wasn't until I googled to see how many more collections of Runaways existed that I noticed it's Brian K Vaughan again. Sneaky bastard. Now I have to see what else he's done.
eta: ULTIMATE FREAKING X-MEN??? It's like I'm a secret fangirl.
Ringo Starr is going to be an animated superstar in a "entertainment franchise" created by Stan Lee.
Ringo Starr is going to be an animated superstar in a "entertainment franchise" created by Stan Lee.
Dude, he's already been animated at least three times before. Beatles TV cartoon, Yellow Submarine, The Simpsons.
Good for characterization, but that trade is all over the map in art and story (take a few pages from Adventures, add a few pages from Man of Steel, maybe even include an entire issue of Action).
Yes, but it gives good Lois.
Steph, I think right now, Rucka's Lois is the best, so if you want to try seeing what Clark and I see in Lois, pick up the last completed story arc in Adventures, though I'll admit that Adventures is Rucka's weakest work. I heard that Simone was coming over to Action, and if this is indeed the case, a: I have a new title for my pull; and b: I can't wait to see her on Lois.