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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Batgirl made me bounce -- much fun.
Uncanny X-Men had some woman who looked like Storm, but sure didn't speak like her. Which irritates me, since it's my only avenue for classic Storm fix. Claremont knows better than this.
I skipped through Robin, and found it also irritating. I would like to read Tim's story, but not written that way, and the art (which didn't bother me when Batgirl was there) is just no go.
Batgirl made me bounce -- much fun.
Right on! I'm going straight to the comic store after work.
I skipped through Robin, and found it also irritating. I would like to read Tim's story, but not written that way, and the art (which didn't bother me when Batgirl was there) is just no go.
It so pisses me off that I can't stand to read the comic in which my favorite character is the TITLE character.
Batgirl made me bounce -- much fun.
Yeah, it was good stuff. Though the
feels like some sort of
J.J. Abrams reset.
was pretty good too. Who was
the guy at the end?
UXM was great. Very fun, very fast-moving. Who was
the chick at the end?
delivered on the last issue's cliffhanger, which was nice. Props to Vaughan for his use of science-speak. There are still more unanswered questions, but the answered question came with a good sense of humor.
chick at the end of UXM
-- in the real X-world
she's a six armed hench-creature of Mojo -- he magicked up an earth chick and made her his.
Ah, thanks, ita. I think I remember
from one of the Marvel vs. Capcom arcade games.
Damn, I should have skimmed in the store -- I didn't see an answer to how Wonder Woman is
getting around during her blindness. Flying with a cane? How's the bullet deflecting going?
So, wait. Wonder Woman
is going to be blind, like, FOREVER? Weird.
Steph, well no. Just probably until the NEXT MAJOR EVENT in the DC universe.
Or until the title changes writers. Many writers ignore what previous writers did...
You'd think
Prometheus could lend a hand, what with the perpetually regenerating liver and all.
Hmmm. Exactly how did Diana stop being a goddess, anyway?
Batgirl kicked all kinds of ass this week.
Batman was fun, though if they're going where I think they're going, I suspect exploding heads in our future.
Nightwing Year One: to answer P-C's question
DEADMAN!!! SQUEE!!!! DEADMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
And to ask one of my own:
in the current continuity timeline, would Boston Brand (Deadman) have been alive at this point, or is he already dead?