There's a time-check in the Jenny Sparks bio that lists her as 96 years old, so it's pretty far out of date. Like, pre-series-debut out of date.
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Oh, god. Sad now.
The Women of The Spirit (at the spiff Wildwood Cemetary Spirit database).
Check this entry:
Silk Satin (nee Sylvia Satin aka Black Satin) was the next recurring woman character who entered The Spirit's life, and probably the only serious competition to Ellen for the Spirit's affections. She first appeared in March 16, 1941 leading a gang of jewel thieves. She had a penchant for wearing suits and wearing her hair short, and was introduced to the reader when she strode into a room demanding a clean razor and hot water to pluck a bullet from her arm. She captures the Spirit but refrains from killing him, and later frees him to betray her gang... driving their getaway car off a bridge, but escaped from drowning herself in a manner reminiscent of the first Catwoman story.
As time went on, Satin revealed herself to be one of the least static characters in the series. Unlike her feline counterpart, she eventually reformed and aided the war effort working as a spy for the British government, and later the United Nations; after a period of meritorious service her criminal record was destroyed. She eventually moved to Scotland and worked as an investigator for the insurance company Croyd's of Glasgow. She frequently fought alongside the Spirit, assisting him and oftimes competing with him to solve a case. The dynamics of these shared adventures are like few others in comics, as the two frequently attempt to gain the upper hand by the end of the adventure, and the reader would often never know until the final pages who had come out on top ... and it was Satin as often as not. Of all the women of the series she was most like The Spirit, and the two shared many tender moments.
Huh. The third best-selling graphic novel at TFAW is a Conan collection.
• The first volume of The Chronicles of Conan has sold over 10,000 copies in the first two months of release!
And Star Wars comics fill out most of the top ten.
You wouldn't know it from the fan fiction.
Also, you can get a Darth Vader baseball jersey. (He plays for the Sith.)
Star Wars thesp rumored for Alan Moore movie.
January 03, 2005 - DC-on-Film reports a rumor that Natalie Portman (the Star Wars prequels) is up for a role in the big-screen version of V for Vendetta. The site claims that "Portman has done a deal" for the movie, which was adapted from the Alan Moore/David Lloyd graphic novel by the Wachowski brothers. Joel Silver will produce it.
And in this week's pull, sure I feel all smug about recognising Longshot right off the bat in Ultimate X-Men (there was a number of fingers error towards the start, but I'll let that slide), but I wonder how they'll rework that goofy, affectionate, yet still occasionally painful plotline. I liked the issue, like the fracturing, and damn if I hadn't swapped Dazzler for Lilah Cheney in my head -- I was wondering why she didn't just zap them far away and then back again, and then I thought -- why would she give a fuck about Longshot anyway -- I'm not that swift.
Phoenix Endsong was interesting. Is it just that Wolverine can sell even cold toast, or are they amping Wolvie/Jean interaction to be more mythical than the Jean/Scott love? Or it could just be my inherent bias. Still, I'll buy issue #2. There should be angst.
Firestorm -- well, someone's life just got a whole lot more complicated.
January 03, 2005 - DC-on-Film reports a rumor that Natalie Portman (the Star Wars prequels) is up for a role in the big-screen version of V for Vendetta. The site claims that "Portman has done a deal" for the movie, which was adapted from the Alan Moore/David Lloyd graphic novel by the Wachowski brothers. Joel Silver will produce it.
rubs hands together gleefully...
As I didn't make it to the store today, can anyone tell me about the Flaming Carrot #1 that was on the ship list? Specifically, is this an actual new run, or are they rereleasing the original stuff?
Do I need to read the Teen Titans tie-in before starting Legion?
Picked up my comics at the store today. Ah, moment of bliss and joy. I grabbed the last Identity Crisis, the last two Manhunters, Kabuki #3, the most recent Astonishing, Legion #1, Catwoman: When in Rome, and likely something else that I can't recall yet. It is a good day in SA-world.
I also caught up reading Powers, though I only have up to #38(?I think). Damn, that is a completely kick-ass comic. I haven't read anything that singularly good in a long time.
I thought UXM was decent for setting up a new story arc and I found Kitty's reffering to Spiderman as her boyfriend highly amusing.
The art bothered me bit, though. Dazzler's hair seemed to change from panel to panel and her piercings seem to be missing. Also, WTF is Colossus just lounging around the X mansion in metal form for? I don't recall a shot of him in human form in the entire issue. And the panel where hunter guy hits Longshot over the head with the rifle was really unclear to me. I had to stare at it for a while to figure out what had actually happened.