As I didn't make it to the store today, can anyone tell me about the Flaming Carrot #1 that was on the ship list? Specifically, is this an actual new run, or are they rereleasing the original stuff?
'A Hole in the World'
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Do I need to read the Teen Titans tie-in before starting Legion?
Picked up my comics at the store today. Ah, moment of bliss and joy. I grabbed the last Identity Crisis, the last two Manhunters, Kabuki #3, the most recent Astonishing, Legion #1, Catwoman: When in Rome, and likely something else that I can't recall yet. It is a good day in SA-world.
I also caught up reading Powers, though I only have up to #38(?I think). Damn, that is a completely kick-ass comic. I haven't read anything that singularly good in a long time.
I thought UXM was decent for setting up a new story arc and I found Kitty's reffering to Spiderman as her boyfriend highly amusing.
The art bothered me bit, though. Dazzler's hair seemed to change from panel to panel and her piercings seem to be missing. Also, WTF is Colossus just lounging around the X mansion in metal form for? I don't recall a shot of him in human form in the entire issue. And the panel where hunter guy hits Longshot over the head with the rifle was really unclear to me. I had to stare at it for a while to figure out what had actually happened.
I think Colossus is very angry.
As for the art -- sloppy. Longshot had five fingers on one hand near the start of the issue.
Do I need to read the Teen Titans tie-in before starting Legion?
I don't think so, but I'm not reading Legion.
I don't think so, but I'm not reading Legion.
You don't. The new Legion is a fresh reboot. No backstory knowledge needed.
Yeah, the only things in there are a teaser showing some of the new continuity, and a scene of one of the Legionnaires from the old continuity winding up there (maybe, it could be somewhere totally different).
OK, just risked busting a gut by reading Wizard's feature on the super-pet food chain, which included this blurb:
STREAKY Don't be fooled by "cute" — Supergirl's tiny princess harbors all the evil of a real cat, but with Supes' power!
Manhunter? Still with the kicking of ass.
Did Outsiders #19 come out? Or is that later this month?