Anne, it's funny you should ask that. (White fonted): Joss brings that up on the letters page at the end of the issue. Essentially he says that he Jossed himself...
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Interesting. . . guess I'll have to read the letters.
Fray 8 is wonderful, but it would be worth it just for the letters alone.
I'm going to have to go with the Holy Shit! crowd.
Want. More. Now.
Loved the letters section. Loved loved loved it.
They're probably not going to include the letters section in the paperback, are they? Has this been with every issue (did they do something in the first, like an essay?)
There were letters columns in each issue, but only the second issue had information directly from Joss himself about how he developed the idea for the comic. (This information was relayed by the editor, Scott Allie).
After reading this issue, I have to agree with all of the comments. Oh my! And the letters column was absolutely hilarious.
I did find it interesting that Joss wrote in the letter column that he can't see anybody but Karl drawing Mel -- that indicates that if we want to see more Fray, it may take a long while.
I'm definitely going back and re-reading the entire series tonight.
Dudes! I mean... gentle readers.... Uh, anyhoo, last FRAY finally hittin'! I've been planning that ish since before I wrote! Happy to see it reach fruition. But check out th' gaffe! On the title spreaed, the first two paragraphs have been inverted! It don't make no logical sense! Grr. (Arrgh.) But still, a sense of completeness, coupled with the fact that I just finished shooting the first Angel of next season.
Hope you guys dig, and as for more... well I have this movie I'm trying to write, but I definitely have ideas. By th' by, Scott Allie called me after I turned in the letters page stuff:
Scott: You wrote: "I can't imagine anyone but Karl drawing Mel".
Me: "Yeah."
Scott: "But... you CAN, right?"
It was so cute. Fact is, I don't think I'll be able to snag Karl for the next series. I'm into seeing a new artist's vision, but still... look at that last page. Neal Adams. Bryan Hitch. Karl Moline. I'm just sayin'.
I saw Karl at Comicon and gave him one of the Scythes that props had made for Buffy. His face was a thing to see.
Anyway, just wanted to hit th' thread, 'cause I actually finished something! All HAIL!
Hey Joss, nice gesture with the scythe (axe) - that was really cool. Glad to hear the big day's arrived for Fray, as a lot of us have been greatly enjoying the story and looking forward to its pentultimate chapter.
So how'd the shoot for the season premiere go?
Heh. This seems perhaps an inappropriate time to mention that I didn't like the ending.
Spoilery: I felt like Urkonn's being a baddie came out of left field, and, to be sure, it resonated for me with the way that Giles was (mis)used in the last season of BUFFY. I felt like, does every father/male teacher figure in the Slayer storyline *have* to turn out to be bad, or, at the best, get discarded?
Then again, it's been five million years since I read the whole thing starting from the beginning, and there may be things I missed.
I am relieved to know that Joss jossed himself, because I sat there after "Chosen" wondering how FRAY worked now.