Thanks! Obviously -- I missed the reference in the previous issue.
I bought many comics yesterday -- I was so broke that I had to skip comics last week, but more than made up for it this week.
What I've read so far:
Nightwing #100 - read on the bus out to shop yesterday. Need to re-read and I'm confused about the timeing between NW, Robin, Batgirl, IC and BoP.
Robin - I kind of can't wait for the continuation in Batgirl.
IC #7 - Umm, I wasn't surprised -- was I supposed to be? Perhaps, I was overly influenced by Victor on this!
BoP - interesting. Also, are they still on their mission to look for rogue metas?
Haven't read yet - LotDK and GC. (I also picked up a back issue of GC, one of Powers and some Astounishings that I'm giving to a friend.)
Where the hell is Santa? This week is just Astounishing, Ultimate Elektra (for completeness's sake, really), and X-Men.
No Batgirl?
I want resolution to the cross-over!!!
I'm not even bothering to pick up Astounishing this week. Since that's all I'll have pulled, I have too much to do tomorrow after work to stop for one issue. I'll get it next week with whatever comes out next week.
Green Lantern is out tomorrow too.
Was Teen Titans #19 delayed?
DC's website says that it's coming out tomorrow, but I'm not seeing it anywhere else.
I see that the next Flash and the Outsiders have been moved to January.
I'll get it next week with whatever comes out next week.
Around here, one has no choice but to get it day-of. It sells out every time. This is why I haven't got or read #6, which I'm dealing with about the way you'd expect.
Joss writes the funniest X-Men I've read in a long time. Not only am I grooving on Kitty, but
Wolverine's "I really like beer."
made me laugh out loud in the restaurant. I noticed that someone wrote in to say the callback to the fastball special made them tear up.
X-Men itself was fairly sweet -- next year is Peter Milligan -- has he written X before?
Not going to pick up comics today. It's way too cold.