IC #7:
Ooh! This might prove interesting. Good stuff.
Ex Machina:
Dude. Awesome. I am so totally a Vaughan fanboy.
Spider-Man: India:
Eh. I don't think it's going to do much for me beyond novelty value. It's not different enough. Nor is it Indian enough. It annoys me that all the characters still look pretty fucking white.
Victor, about
Elongated Man, I am pretty sure he is the featured in the new 'I can't believe its not the JLA' storyline with Booster, Blue, Max and the rest of the gang in a upcoming arc in JLA classified
Yeah, but that's set before "Identity Crisis." It;s basically an attempt to salvage the miniseries that was destroyed by Sue Dibny's death, although as I understand it, it will explain why Capt. Atom's alive again.
For anyone interested, I ramble incessantly about "Identity Crisis" #7
here, with many, many spoilers.
victor, that's a really nice post. Do you mind if I link to it for a disgruntled TWoPer?
Wow, it is so incredibly difficult not to read the WF. And yet, I will wait.
Ummm, when was Robin's step-mom
Also, are the pre-Willingham Robins collected anywhere?
Sumi, Tim's stepmom
was hospitalized in that nebulous time after War Games and IC (yes, even though IC #7 just came out yesterday, and yes, even though it's well-nigh impossible for War Games and IC to have taken place almost at the same time)
-- it was referred to, almost in passing, in the previous issue of Robin.
Thanks! Obviously -- I missed the reference in the previous issue.
I bought many comics yesterday -- I was so broke that I had to skip comics last week, but more than made up for it this week.
What I've read so far:
Nightwing #100 - read on the bus out to shop yesterday. Need to re-read and I'm confused about the timeing between NW, Robin, Batgirl, IC and BoP.
Robin - I kind of can't wait for the continuation in Batgirl.
IC #7 - Umm, I wasn't surprised -- was I supposed to be? Perhaps, I was overly influenced by Victor on this!
BoP - interesting. Also, are they still on their mission to look for rogue metas?
Haven't read yet - LotDK and GC. (I also picked up a back issue of GC, one of Powers and some Astounishings that I'm giving to a friend.)