When come back bring Dick in eyeliner.
But, well, my Dick sucks.
And by that, I mean I have a hard time getting a handle on Dick.
And by that, I mean I am twelve.
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
When come back bring Dick in eyeliner.
But, well, my Dick sucks.
And by that, I mean I have a hard time getting a handle on Dick.
And by that, I mean I am twelve.
Obviously, Shrift, you need to start channelling your inner Roy.
Obviously, Shrift, you need to start channelling your inner Roy.
That works for me. Shrift, channel Roy, handle Dick. Bring some eyeliner, and throw "Panic in Detroit" into the CD player. Everybody's happy.
Obviously, Shrift, you need to start channelling your inner Roy.
I don't know. I still have the reactionary "aaaaah! run away!" feelings from last time I did that.
Plus, still laughing about the camouflage chaps.
Everybody's happy.
Dude, you do realize this is comics fandom, right?
Most of y'all have probably already read it, but I did find Te's thoughts on slash to be really helpful in articulating a lot of my inchoate thoughts (and questions) I'd had on the subject.
Specifically, her working through the notion of friendship/intimacy at the core of her slash interest, the historical paucity of male/female friendships which drove (and drives) a lot of slash; and spun off other thoughts about the problem with gender in narrative. Just that there's so much cultural and historical pressure leaning on het pairings that it all tends to force it down into the same three or four stories, and that squashes a lot of ambiguity/subtlety.
I've encountered most of these notions before, but just the way she worked through it on a personal level let me get inside those ideas much more deeply.
they honor the Scary Bat-God With Their Union
::dies laughing::
::dies laughing::
That really needs to be somebody's tagline.
they honor the Scary Bat-God With Their Union
Dude, you know what? It's funny, but it's SO true. I can't think of any 2 other Batverse characters for whom it would be as true.
t edit In the setting of a pairing that I believe, that is. So no Dick/Ra's.
Man. I'm not sure how many of you saw the genesis of the Scary Bat-God reference in comics chat -- I wonder if Te put that in her memories...
t wanders off to search
Christ. I just lent a co-worker Y: Last Man, and now I want to take it back. I forgot there were boobies. I must make a note not to hand him Fables either.
I read Hush, and am sad. I thought it was Tommy, and then I thought it wasn't, and then ... poor Bruce.
However, the love story bothered me. It's not Batman/Bruce in love, because I kinda liked the whole Sasha revelation in Fugitive 3. I just don't get why her. I even prefer Talia.