That's one problem I've noticed with Superman having so many powers, (in that cartoons at least, as well as on Smallville) is there are times when he doesn't use a power that would be really appropriate in that circumstance because if he did it would ruin the story the writer is trying to tell.
It wasn't the greatest episode ever, but it had some amusing moments, especially
Aquaman back-handing "Waterboy" (I can't remember either his old name or the one used in this episode. Bizarro singing "Bizarro come to save the day!" Mighty Mouse-style
also made me laugh.
While it was a nice shoutout to the old Superfriends cartoons,
Batman's "Old chum"
was out of character with the current version.
Has anyone else read JLA/JSA Virtue and Vice? What an odd little trade that was.
The only thing I really liked about this week's ep of JLU was when the
woman from the shady, unnamed government agency called Batman "rich guy," b/c of the not-so-secret secret-identity
Has anyone else read JLA/JSA Virtue and Vice? What an odd little trade that was.
Oh, yeah. That it was. Enjoyed it, though.
I thought it was neat to see the members trussed up like the seven Vices, particularly Batman as Anger. But I don't know the JSA, like, at all, so that was something of a stumbling point for me.
Though, okay. Naked Lex Luthor falls to the ground, and Superman gives him his cloak. I might be reading a little too much Smallville into this, but damn. That was one slashtastic moment, there.
Kalshane, wasn't the
"Old chum" something the Windbag had called them earlier on in the ep?
You know, as soon as it was revealed that the
person on the other end of the phone was a women, I knew it was Amanda Waller. Totally sounded like a gig for Stonewall.
And when Batman said
"Mine are bigger,"
I thought "Only by a little."
ita, it's possible he did and I missed it. I just seem to recall
Superfriends!Batman and Adam West!Batman used "Old chum"
a lot.
Windbag or the head dude in the Dorky Superhero League said "old chum" to the Justice League.
Or perhaps just to Batman. Can't remember.
In that case. Nevermind about the out of character thing.
Basically, Batman was getting his snark on. Or his bitch on, whichever you prefer.