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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
"I am unfamiliar with this story, but I'm sure others in this thread aren't."
Re the Batman vamp re-imaginings. I like the way the story takes a new twist to some of the old vamp traditions. In the first book, Batman uses his own blood to scratch up the image of a crucifix to hold the fully demonized Dracula at bay in the sewers. The artwork corresponds with the ongoing depravity of the trilogy. By Crimson Mist, Batman is a decaying hulk of evil.
Overall, it's a winner in the Elseworlds genre.
My key favourite thing across the Batman Elseworlds was the fixation on his defining event, and how the nature (not just the occurence) drove what he became. Obviously the groundwork for obsession was laid, but I think I'd assumed the groundwork for Batman was kinda laid. No -- it was jammed in by the trauma. So he could be made good or evil right there.
Fugitive question: Nightwing calls himself a killer there, in one frame. What's that about?
Fugitive question: Nightwing calls himself a killer there, in one frame. What's that about?
He killed the Joker.
The Joker obviously got better.
D'oh. It's not like PC didn't
ask that same question.
I need to remember to go back and really read when I have the context to assimilate.
It kinda undercut the Blockbuster angst for me, though.
It kinda undercut the Blockbuster angst for me
No shit -- I have a great and ongoing issue with the Blockbuster angst as something that could drive 6 months worth of plot. The Joker angst was "what have I done?!" whereas this is more "what if Daddy finds out?" -- not quite as convincing, as big existential traumas go.
It was good, but the...ellipses kind of bugged. I understand what they represented, but still.
It didn't bug me. I can't think of terribly many tools a
can use in an internal monologue to show someone who is still struggling with language, communication, and verbalization.
Then again, I was rather preoccupied going "OMG ♥!!!" over Cass and Tim, and an explanation of events which
actually made sense.
this is more "what if Daddy finds out?"
Well, and according to last week's Batman, Daddy knows and doesn't seem too bothered by it.
It kinda undercut the Blockbuster angst for me, though.
It doesn't for me, because killing in a rage is something he learned he had in him with the Joker thing, and worked through (by, of course, sulking and being an emotional wreck, bless him), but standing aside and coldly allowing someone to be killed--thinking about it and making the decision--was not something he'd thought himself capable of. The premeditation (short premeditation, but premeditation none the less) makes all the difference.
How did he kill the Joker? Were guns involved?
He just seemed so ... flip about it. I can't work out if I need to keep collecting Nightwing. #100 will tell.
Daddy knows and doesn't seem too bothered by it.
I'm trying to find words to separate this from Daddy's reaction to Cass's two kills (we can count Shiva, right?). Can't clarify correctly.
I can't think of terribly many tools a writer can use in an internal monologue to show someone who is still struggling with language, communication, and verbalization.
Exactly. I'm going to miss her ellipses, I fear.
No shit -- I have a great and ongoing issue with the Blockbuster angst as something that could drive 6 months worth of plot. The Joker angst was "what have I done?!" whereas this is more "what if Daddy finds out?" -- not quite as convincing, as big existential traumas go.
Okay, THAT part of the Blockbuster angst I have an issue with, but I'm working hard on blanking most of War Games from my mind. (Oh, and any storyline that takes place over a span of days should NOT be stretched out over MONTHS in our real time, damn it.)
However, it started off well enough. The angst. Not War Games.