it was the push that tipped me over into actually being a *fan* of comics versus someone who just listens with a grin as her friends talk about them.
Yes, I am totally using this as a hook. It's a very good hook.
It also made me fall for Batgirl.
And yeah, I get it now. She's so adorable.
Anybody know where I can find a good selection of DC universe 6" action figures (specifically classic!batgirl, supergirl, wonderwoman or catwoman?)
So, my roommate is looking for a giftie. I never followed Marvel that well, so I don't know the answer. Perhaps one of you do.
I'm searching for a comic for my Marine's Christmas. Its his favorite issue of the Wolverine Comic, but its been so long he can't remember the name. All I know is that Wolverine along with Havoc and Longshot (?) are playing poker in a bar, I think he said an alien bar or some kind of other dimension, and Wolverine bets his life in the game and it ends up being a bluff, something like a pair of 2's. Any chance you or one of your comic buddies know which issue this is?
Ring any bells?
I don't think Longshot showed up in any issues of Wolverine, SA.
How's this:
An alliance of alien invaders is committed to conquering the Earth, beginning with Australia, when a lowly archivist discovers that the planet has routinely defeated incursions by the Kree, the Skrulls, the Badoon and even Galactus, and is the homeworld of both Galactus's herald Nova and the current incarnation of the Phoenix. When he attempts to warn his superiors, however, he is accidentally killed. Meanwhile, the 4 male X-Men visit a bar in Sydney seeking recreation, and are thus on hand when the aliens land. While the general public for the most part ignores the invaders, Colossus smashes their strongest warriors, Longshot romances their female commando force, Wolverine defeats their leader in a poker game, and Havok nonchalantly destroys their command ship.
Pretty funny, from what I can remember.
That same trick cracked me up when Claremont first introduced the Shi'ar and their blatant Star Trek ripoff crew was approaching the planet. A horrorstruck Not!Uhura informed Not!Kirk that Earth had repulsed Galactus five times in its immediate planetary history and they all raced to cloak the ship and flee out of the solar system while wetting themselves.
are a really good examination of Batman and Bruce Wayne: which one is the true identity, and which is the mask? It makes me think of Peter Parker, and how he really doesn't have that issue. Much of his character involves juggling his two roles, so it's very clear he is Peter first and Spidey second. And then I think of Superman, and how he can't really ever
be Superman, even when he's Clark. But I don't think of the Supes persona as being very dark and/or complex, so again, it's not much of an issue.
What do you guys think? Superheroes and their identities. Discuss. Compare and contrast.
I think Clark thinks of himself as Clark, even when he's off being super; for Bruce, it takes an effort to actually
Bruce Wayne. His default state is the Bat.
I don't think Longshot showed up in any issues of Wolverine, SA.
Okay. I guess I can google for one-shots or something.
I think Clark thinks of himself as Clark, even when he's off being super
I agree--and while some of my characterisation for Clark comes from Smallville, I do have the distinct feeling of him being Clark, where the glasses aren't the disguise--the cape is.
Granted, Kon's word isn't gospel,* but in one of the first few Teen Titans issues, he (Kon) says that Clark thinks of himself as Clark, and that Superman is the disguise.
*(But then again, there's no reason to assume him to be unreliable, particularly in this area.)
ION, the new comics list claims that Outsiders #18 is out tomorrow.