Oh yeah. I wanted to mention that while Chuck Dixon is pretty good, but not hot shit as far as I can tell, he cracked my shit up by making a Clarissa Explains It All joke.
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Wasn't Amethyst a kid on earth just finding out about her origin around the time in the current continuity that Kara would have first shown up?
Never make the bet, man. Comic book timelines seem to both expand and contract, depending on how active the character is. Consequently, Power Girl's origins could be made more recent while Amethyst is pushed back. They do it all the time.
Amethyst? That would make me laugh. I used to love Amethyst -- but the art was hypnotic. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
I trust you mean the Esteban Marato art of the miniseries and not Ernie Colon's from the original series? Please?
Oh, this is kind of an important question. In Murderer? Dick mentions he "killed the Joker." When the hell did this happen? One, I know the Joker's not actually dead, because he never is, but what does he mean by this, because I would think this would change the whole Blockbuster situation a little.
Also, what trade has this story of Dick being accused of murder? It sounds interesting.
And did Cass beat Shiva in between Murderer? and Fugitive ? That's what it seems like, but I thought they came directly after each other.
Oh, and I'm so confused as to who knows Batman's secret identity and who doesn't, both at this point and currently.
And I really need to read Officer Down.
You know...the way the story's being spun, how it blames Bruce's reaction on a bad year (to put it simply, as I don't remember what all was supposed to have occurred in this year) now reminds me of what Bendis did with Matt Murdock and his nervous breakdown.
Oh, and he he he. They've used the "The butler did it" joke twice. The second time, to better humorous effect.
Man oh man, I am so in love with this story. It better stay good, and it better end well, and make sense.
Dick kills the Joker (short term--CPR is magical in the DCverse) in Last Laugh, in a fit of passion, thinking the Joker had killed Tim. Dick reacted to what he did by moping for a while and refusing to answer his phone.
Cass defeated Shiva in Batgirl #25, which comes in between the Batgirl issues of Murder and Fugitive.
Nightwing: The Target is a one-shot that came out under DC's prestige format, and it's Dick as a police officer who's been accused of murder. It's pretty good.
Just finished Endless Nights. I have now read the entirety of the core Sandman stuff. I've got the shakes and the cold sweats already. More, goddammit.
Defeated Lady Shiva in hand-to-hand combat?!?
That's my girl!
I thought Batman himself would need to resort to utility belt trickery to manage that?