Teppy -- I don't think I've read that story. Is it one of the books collected in Family Lost?
I just bought A Kid's Game on Monday -- figured I would pick up Family Lost later on.
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Teppy -- I don't think I've read that story. Is it one of the books collected in Family Lost?
I just bought A Kid's Game on Monday -- figured I would pick up Family Lost later on.
Nothing here would lead one to believe that she was a doctor.
Yeah, I can state unequivocally that Heather Hudson was never a doctor. I think Shaman may have been, however. And Sasquatch was a PhD.
ETA: Yeah, I was right about Shaman.
Speaking of the Alpha Flight folks, whatever happened to Elizabeth Twoyoungmen?
the art in #132 is some of the worst art I've ever seen.
Agreed. Dear God.
Ex Machina was great as usual, and the last page put a smile on my face. Go Vaughan.
UXM was actually pretty sweet as well. Loved the teamups, although I'm sure I'd appreciate things more if I were familiar with the team dynamic. Who's the chick with the piercings? Really enjoyed the dialogue in this one; Vaughan really kept it light.
The Pulse had lots of 'splosions. Secret War tie-in.
Spider-Man India was cute. Nothing spectacular, but it's what you'd expect. It's Spider-Man. In India.
I also picked up some trades. Bruce Wayne: Murderer? and the first two volumes of Bruce Wayne: Fugitive. These are really good, right? They're full of Plei's favorite writers.
Is Knightfall worth checking out? It doesn't look nearly as psychologically complex/interesting as murdering and fugitiving, and I think Bane is dumb.
Is Knightfall worth checking out? It doesn't look nearly as psychologically complex/interesting as murdering and fugitiving, and I think Bane is dumb.
My weird fondness for Bane (entirely due to a recentish GK run), and Dick's post-Knightfall filling-in for Bruce aside (which is in it's own book, the OOP Prodigal), nope. It's pretty lame writing, and if you think Bane is dumb, just wait until you get a load of Jean-Paul Valley.
Murder/Fugitive, on the other hand, kicks all kinds of ass.
Murder/Fugitive, on the other hand, kicks all kinds of ass.
I was pretty sure. Should I wait to start Fugitive until I have the third volume? Are the volumes divided well? I don't really know what kind of question I'm asking, since whatever your answer, I'll probably be anal and not want to finish the second volume until I have the third volume in hand cause why? Maybe I'll read very very slowly.
P-C, what happened in Pulse #5? I missed it.
P-C, what happened in Pulse #5? I missed it.
Did you read the first issue of Secret War ? Half of the issue was pretty much a retread.
The issue opens with Wolverine attacking someone I didn't recognize. Jessica's there, and then it goes to one week before. Luke and Jessica's apartment explodes, and Cage is rushed to the hospital, where the doctors and Jessica are all MOTHERFUCKING UNBREAKABLE SKIN! So they can't give him medicine or operate, even though he's got internal damage and he's in a coma. The cops question Jessica, and she says she saw a woman, just her outline and shiny hair, who said something about Luke and how he should have known this would happen, and then the apartment went boom. Jessica talks to her blob, and it's very sweet. Then some S.H.I.E.L.D. guys show up. Iron Fist, I don't know who he is. But they give Luke a bodyguard, I think, but more importantly, Captain America busts in and totally goes apeshit on Iron Fist, all "I TOLD YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN MOTHERFUCKER." Like I said, a lot of this material has been covered in Secret War. If you haven't been reading it, it's all right. We haven't learned exactly what the deal was yet. The basic deal, though, is that S.H.I.E.L.D. assembled a superhero team to go take down some foreign country that's been funding technovillains. Apparently, crazy shit went down because a year later, they're being attacked. Now, though, we get into new territory, I think. Jessica calls Ben Urich because she has no one else to turn to, I guess, and there's a suspicious guy listening to her, and I say he's suspicious cause as soon as she mentions Luke's name and where he is, he rushes off and seconds later, EVERYTHING BLOWS THE FUCK UP. Like, I can't even figure out how extensive it was cause it looked like half the goddamn hospital went. Jessica can't find the bodyguard or Luke, and the issue ends with her screaming, "LUUUUUUUUUKE!"
Wow. That's... huh. Man, I really liked the idea of The Pulse, but if it's gonna be all soap opera and shit blowing up I won't be happy.