Nah--that's word salad.
'Out Of Gas'
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
I just got the Buffy CD, and am very happy with it... it sounded like they cranked up the background music in almost all the songs. It made Rest in Peace sound great, but I am sort of eh on the rest. Rest in Peace sounded a lot like it did in the promo, when we couldn't understand what the hell Spike was saying.
For some reason, perhaps just because it is not bootleg, I can really separate the voices in the group parts a lot better.
Also, is it possible that whoever did the lyric sheet has never done on e for a musical before? Usually when multuiple p[eople are singing different lyrics at the same time, they are laid out side by side. In these notes, they just go straight through, so in Walk through the fire, when Sweet is singing one part, Buffy another, and Spike & Scoobies yet another, the lyrics are just sort of jumbled together.
Also, from the article, could anyone make any sense of this sentence?
For serious Buffyphiles who haven't already purchased the soundtrack, they should (it's not clear that they haven't - the sound track was the second best musical seller on the day it was released).
Made sense to me.
Also, is it possible that whoever did the lyric sheet has never done on e for a musical before? Usually when multuiple p[eople are singing different lyrics at the same time, they are laid out side by side. In these notes, they just go straight through, so in Walk through the fire, when Sweet is singing one part, Buffy another, and Spike & Scoobies yet another, the lyrics are just sort of jumbled together.
The other way I've seen it done is to use a vertical line to connect the simultaneous parts, but they didn't do that either, although to be fair, most of the parts aren't really simultaneous, but just overlap slightly.
I still have no idea what Sweet's singing after "So one by one they come to me..." in that montage.
Matt-- from the liner notes:
So one by one they come to me
The distant redness is thier guide
But what they'll find
Ain't what they have in mind
It's what they have inside
Thanks Sophia! Interesting that Sweet commented much more on the "meta" nature of the plot and characters than is usual - which fits, I guess, given the Musical's structure.
The OMWF cd took forever to arrive, with 2 day delivery. We had to complain to Amazon and get them to cancel the charges. I think it took 10 days after we received notice that it had shipped.
(non-sequitor...) Sweet's tapping! That's what was missing. I had burned a cd of it, right after OMWF and the volume of that song was never right. It was really faint. When listening to the Rounder Records cd, I was just overwhelmed that I could finally hear it so clearly. But yes! Now that I know, the tapping is sorely missed.
I just picked up Reading the Vampire Slayer and Fighting the Forces. I know they're kind of old news. Was there much discussion about them at WXing?
I know there was some discussion of Reading the Vampire Slayer, because Jen had a pre-publication version of it that she circulated. You might also try searching the Attic using the phrase "Reading the Vampire Slayer".
I know there was some discussion of Reading the Vampire Slayer, because Jen had a pre-publication version of it that she circulated.
Which I have to mail back to Jon. Eep!