Followed very closely by the "You hib me wib a GIRDER!" scene.
I laugh at that every time I read it.
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Followed very closely by the "You hib me wib a GIRDER!" scene.
I laugh at that every time I read it.
Urkonn's got an interesting personality. Very Gilesy.
I was SO convinced Urkonn WAS Giles at the beginning. Haven't read the new one yet, but I've divested myelf of that opinion. He's just very, very Gileslike.
Is Urkonn supposed to be a Fyarl demon like Giles was turned into in "A New Man"?
Also, I did love the opening scene. Here we are, all primed for a fight ("my hands aren't even trembling"), and then WHAM! no fight. Reminds me of the Raiders scene where Indy shoots the guy with the sword.
LOVED this. So very Jossy.
Yeah, very Firefly
Very Mal in Serenity
This is where the bits that are non-Buffy show.
And I think that lifts Fray out of the Buffyverse and becomes more something separate of Joss'.
That said, the slayer references are great. The hands, especially.
He's just very, very Gileslike.
Is Urkonn supposed to be a Fyarl demon like Giles was turned into in "A New Man"?
And Matt is a genius.
I've got a Q for the Fray readers...with Free Comic Book Day upon us, I'm gonna head on over to my local shop and snag some of the freebies, plus take a look at Fray, which I'm hoping they'll have. However, I haven't read any of the previous issues, so my Q is, will I be totally lost if I get it?
will I be totally lost if I get it?
Hard to say. But it'll ruin a lot of the HSQ if you don't read them in sequence.
However, I haven't read any of the previous issues, so my Q is, will I be totally lost if I get it?
Definitely do the first six first. Imagine coming to BtVS at season seven...
I mean, you could, but would you really want to?
OK. Got the new Fray. Oh my goodness it's good.
Definitely do the first six first. Imagine coming to BtVS at season seven...
I mean, you could, but would you really want to?
Hmm...well, I did get into Buffy via OMWF in season six, so I guess that's sorta like stepping into Fray with the next to last issue. ;)
I did get it, but per recommendations, I'll wait and see if I can find the first six issues so I can read them in order I just forked over the cash to order the previous six issues via the internet. It's waaaay too easy to spend money. :P
A better example would be coming into Buffy during season 6 with "Two to Go", without having seen "Seeing Red" and the other recent episodes that led up to it.