I actually never see that when I hit "Read New".
Does it appear then? Shows how much attention I pay it. On the other hand, I'm forever hitting "first" so that I can remind myself. Being caught after the Nor'Murikans but before the Uns, I'm never sure when to talk, when to white font and when to just shut my mouth :)
But I have much Fray oost happening after this week's.. erm.. month's.. erm.. year's publication!
(I also have lots of Y:The Last Man heartin' going on. Is anyone else buying these? One of the co-originators was a Bronzer, so I bought it more in support than anything else. But colour me wowed!)
edited because apostrophes can be our friends. And also? Our friend's
No, the thread blurb doesn't appear when you hit "Read New", which is why I never see it and forget the rules. (Bad Kim!) Maybe I should tattoo it somewhere?
(I also have lots of Y:The Last Man heartin' going on. Is anyone else buying these?)
I've been on the
Y: The Last Man
bandwagon since the beginning. I decided to give it a shot on the first issue and was really impressed with it. I hope it gets a good, long run.
I think that the last issue of Fray is coming out the day after the Buffy finale.
Or at least that's what my comic shop guy said. (I couldn't remember whether it was next month or in two months.)
Your comic shop guy is full of it, sumi. The solicitation date for
#8 is June 18, 2003, which is also the date printed on the inside back cover of #7. I do hear that this is a solid date, and nobody expects it to slip.
How did I not notice the date on the inside back cover?
That makes me think that it would be easy to tie Firefly to the Buffyverse, by having the show take place in Fray's future.
Oh, that is the best idea I've heard all day. Thank you.
I guess that depends on what happens in #8 -- if she can get rid of all the demons again.
Maybe (completely unspoiled speculation as I havn't even read the comic) the demons eventually win and that's what causes everyone to flee Earth That Was. But in the history books, they call it Resource Depletion as to not scare the world's population.
It could happen.
Well, you can consider the human population a resource and I'm sure the demons would be actively trying to deplete it.