It has, actually. Check out Peter David's X-factor run after 72 or 73. Havok spent some time in a suit that, while not necessairily better, was much more in line with the style of the time. (He had an onion on his belt).
What time period was that? All I know if he first appeared in the 60s and I'm now up to the mid-eighties and he's still wearing the same really dumb-looking outfit.
Also, Rogue looks really odd (and rather middle-aged) with her initial hairstlyle.
Not sure why people were up in arms about Mystique in the movies beating the crap out of people, because she seems to do it quite a lot in the comics so far (when she's not using a gun, anyway.)
amych - yesterday was driving out to visit friend who lives in the complex I'm hoping to move into, and as we drove by Ultimate boyf goes - "Hey, there's a comic book store here!" I said "That's why I'm moving here. I mean uh... that's... an added benefit to moving here."
But in the comics she doesn't have super ninja fighting powers. She has extreme human fighting powers.
Last Bone? I had no idea. Haven't read it in a little while but ....
t adds to list
But in the comics she doesn't have super ninja fighting powers. She has extreme human fighting powers.
Where exactly is that line? I mean, in a book I just read she muses she would have snapped Wolverine's neck with a kick if not for his adamantium skeleton.
I just read she muses she would have snapped Wolverine's neck with a kick if not for his adamantium skeleton.
The line is that I know people IRL who can do that. I don't know anyone who could do what she did in the movies.
I guess I just chalk it up to Hollywood inflation where an average action hero can often pull off as much or more than a highly-trained fighter.
She's disproportionately inflated, though. When you rate her alongside the other people in the movie, she's on a par with the other combat powered folks, and perhaps even more acrobatic. She's not on that level in the comics.
And a new scanner to, uh, do things I would never ever do.
I have been tempted by this recently. Possibly because a friend of mine decided she needed to get rid of her old comics, and I may be the beneficiary of some...
My comic list:
Green Arrow #39
Identity Crisis #1
Nightwing #94
Ultimate X-Men #47
And also Green Arrow and Ultimate Fantastic Four backissues.