I just read she muses she would have snapped Wolverine's neck with a kick if not for his adamantium skeleton.
The line is that I know people IRL who can do that. I don't know anyone who could do what she did in the movies.
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
I just read she muses she would have snapped Wolverine's neck with a kick if not for his adamantium skeleton.
The line is that I know people IRL who can do that. I don't know anyone who could do what she did in the movies.
I guess I just chalk it up to Hollywood inflation where an average action hero can often pull off as much or more than a highly-trained fighter.
She's disproportionately inflated, though. When you rate her alongside the other people in the movie, she's on a par with the other combat powered folks, and perhaps even more acrobatic. She's not on that level in the comics.
And a new scanner to, uh, do things I would never ever do.
I have been tempted by this recently. Possibly because a friend of mine decided she needed to get rid of her old comics, and I may be the beneficiary of some...
My comic list:
Green Arrow #39
Identity Crisis #1
Nightwing #94
Ultimate X-Men #47
And also Green Arrow and Ultimate Fantastic Four backissues.
Love & Rockets v2 #10
My list for the day:
Attempt to track down Impulse #10, and a couple other missing issues.
Ok so um.
I'm not at all familiar with Nightwing.
But he's in this month's Wizard magazine and...
Batons? BATONS? No wonder the fangirls have fun with him.
Escrima sticks, to be precise. Unbreakable ones. And I may know too much about the subject, now that I think about it.
Batons? BATONS?
Escrima sticks. Which are actually used in martial arts, as opposed to marching band and talent show competitions.
Edit: Hee. Knew that was going to x-post.
I am pleased to announce that due to the extreme amount of free time I will have from Sunday onward, I plan to spend some time each day at Borders or B&N reading old Batman TPBs.