Admittedly I thought Morrison's story was also on crack, but I disliked the art. Which title was it that had Callisto's arms turned to tentacles? I thought Storm's characterisation was off in it, so it was no fun, but the art was even worse.
No one's done anything interesting with Storm in while, outside of Ultimate, where I think she's an excellent reimagining.
But back to art -- I have the Legends Of The Dark Knight Annual #4 up in another window, and it's about what I'd consider standard art. I'm not thinking any representation he does will be iconic, or make me weep for its beauty outside the context of the story. His characters don't look like I'm expecting them to look, but they're internally consistent, and I can tell them apart. His page layout is thought out beyond the "sequential boxes" stage, but not particularly interesting -- a floating head here and there, and some unbounded frames. Inking's darker than I like it -- I don't think you have to be big blobs of black to be Batman.
Or at least they should be interesting blobs of black -- even when I got tired of Sin City's story, I could marvel at the composition.
ita, who did the art on that?
(I'm too lazy to alt+tab and open it. This is sad.)
Also, because I am too lazy to go to the DC site, anyone recall of the top of their head who's coming in to do the art in NW 94, as 93 was Zircher's last issue?
Joe Staton did the pencils, PMM.
Random squee-ing from somebody way late to the game...
Reading Batgirl: Year One for the first time. My thoughts: Babs is the hottest hottie ever to wear a mask, Babs/Dick is the OTP of the Batverse (they are snarky, smirking fun), and my gosh do I love this girl. Must read all Babs material Right Now.
Lovely chat with Devin Grayson here
And Mala -- welcome to the Babslove.
t sigh
Just read The Killing Joke. Good. Liked the ending.
I would like to state for the record that I blame Plei and Shrift. It is All Their Fault.
There I was, standing in the looooooong line at the local Value Village, my basket full of black lacey, mesh, ruffly goodness. The endcap right by where I was standing was full of comic books, all for 49 cents. I glanced, and saw that one of them said Nightwing.
I now have Nightwing 86-90. Plei, you better loan me 91-93.
The endcap was full of what looked to be fairly current Robin, Green Lantern, JLA, Detective Comics, Batgirl, Aquaman, Green Arrow, Spiderman, Spidergirl, Hawkman, and various X-titles I didn't recognize. Kinda battered, but 49 cents an issue.
91-93 will wing their way to your house tonight.
I'm cackling, btw. Sorry about that.
Okay, who watched Justice League tonight?
Someday, I will look back on this as the day that comic books characters wholly and irrevocably ate my brain.
secret identities
"That's. Not. HELPING."
Flash hugs
So, so smitten.